Grammar Question: replacing を with は after adding an adverb.

The example is, ドアを開けて. Vs. ドアはゆっくり開けて.

My question is, do you always replace を with は when you’ve added an adverb to a request?

  1. Hmm both sentences means different thing.

    ドアはゆっくり開けて gives the nuance of “For this door, open it slowly please”

    ドアを開けて just means “ open the door please”.

    However, in such short sentences, especially for ドアを開けて, it is more natural to omit the particle.

  2. You’re not actually replacing を with は. It just looks like that. In the first sentence you’re omitting the topic (before the は), since it’s obvious what you’re talking about. In the second sentence you’re omitting the verb object, since you’ve already specified ドア as the topic.

    This is the full sentence: ドアはドアをゆっくり開けて (nobody would say that, but that object+particle ドアを is in the sentence, it’s just that it’s implicit rather than explicit).

    If the verb object was different you would need to include it. For example: このドアはハンドルをゆっくり回して! (Speaking of this door, turn the handle slowly!)

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