Opinion on James English School?

It’s difficult to find any opinions since Google results gets flooded with some guy named… James English. The only posts about the school I could find on reddit were matter-of-fact comments saying there’s a job opening somewhere.


What I found:

1. The opinions I could find on glassdoor all seemed good except the ones from Miyagi.
2. All the schools use the same images on Google Maps with very few exceptions.
3. They seem to use GrapeSEED for younger students (horrible system imo).
4. I heard they at least used to have a very black contract that said you *had* to leave Japan after you left the company.
5. A Japanese friend said,” I haven’t heard good things about James,” when I told him I was interested.
6. They pay 10% more than my current job.


**Any more information?**

  1. I live in Sendai so am aware of them. My impression is that they are fairly professional and mostly teach adults. Haven’t heard any horror stories, but I haven’t worked there myself and don’t know anyone who has.

  2. Varies per area. Met some of the teachers that work at JES. Said they are treated well, good students, and fair pay for what it’s worth. Hours are similar to other eikaiwas.

    Recommend using it as a transitional job. Not generally something to stay on beyond a couple of years.

  3. Had a friend who taught at James right before 2011. They were eager to give her the boot after that once she was expecting a baby and she was so exhausted she didn’t fight.

    She didn’t have any horror stories, but they contracted her out to local kindergartens and it ran her ragged. This was in Sendai.

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