I need a book suggestion for Shinobi history

Hey folks! I am in need of a few book suggestions about shinobi history, While I would prefer books that I can purchase in ebook format to import into LingQ, I will also accept suggestions for books that are only available in physical format. Obviously They must be in Japanese 🙂 I am still only about a month and a half into my language learning, so I have a bit of difficulty navigating websites geared towards book sales in Japanese. Thank you for any suggestions!

1 comment
  1. If you cannot navigate the website and you are a complete beginner then I think you might be setting yourself up to fail here… but can you even read a newspaper? I wanted to give you something good, but news sites being what they are… I will just drop this here:

    [https://web.archive.org/web/20170404031308/https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/top/article/20170403000089](https://web.archive.org/web/20170404031308/https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/top/article/20170403000089) 甲賀忍者、幻から実在へ 滋賀、古文書発見で“光”

    If you can read this then you should be able to find and read other articles (or books just fine).

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