How to say “I hope you are doing well”?

I was searching around and found


Is that too formal? Is there a more casual way to say this?

I also found 元気そうで良かった , but I think that translates more to “I’m glad you’re doing well” rather than “I hope you are doing well” (the former being something I would use if I just finished catching up with someone I haven’t seen for a while, the latter being I just reached out to someone I haven’t talked to for a while).

Please correct me if my interpretation is wrong!

  1. What’s the context you want to use the phrase in, and who are you using it towards? These kind of social “ritual” phrases usually do not directly translate, particularly the social contexts of them.

  2. お元気で何よりです。Would be used after the person replies that they’re genki and not beforehand, and is indeed formal

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