How good is this?

Just very recently I’ve gained a ton of motivation to learn japanese again. What I’ve decided to do is pretty much isolate myself to only Japanese media. Japanese YouTube, shows, music, you name it. And mostly without English translation. I mostly will use translation for kanji I dont recognize or phrases that sound familiar and want to know them. How good is this to learn japanese?

  1. Don’t skip learning vocab and grammar

    Incomprehensible immersion is a waste and not time effective ar all

  2. Sounds like you’re risking burning yourself out unless you already know enough that you aren’t going to be looking up every other kanji. It’ll get tedious fast. In an environment like living in Japan, you kinda lack a choice there but when you’re self imposing that it’ll be a lot harder.

    Not saying at all you can’t do it or it *will* burn you out, just saying it’s a higher risk of burnout. If you don’t already know a fair amount, better to use the motivation to lean harder into learning to sidestep the tedium. That’s my opinion though and we all support you however you choose to learn.

  3. That depends entirely on your current level. If you’ve got a solid grasp on basic grammar and a base vocabulary of ~2000 words you’re likely to get something out of it. Otherwise, you should probably focus on getting to that point first. Use a textbook or guide. Do ordered combined vocab/grammar decks like Tango N4/N5. Don’t try to learn that stuff by watching VTubers and pasting manga dialogue into Google Translate.

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