Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 28, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. いつもすべて「を」ありがとうございます。

    Could anyone explain why the wo particle goes in there? It doesn’t sound wrong but I would’ve wrote it without the particle and can’t see why it’s there. Sorry for the dumb question.

    Edit: I just saw that すべて can be used as both, a noun and an article, is that the reason? Does the meaning of the phrase change if you take out the particle?

  2. https://i.imgur.com/QUOtjWT.jpg

    I was looking up some vocab on a dictionary app and came across this phrase that stood out to me. 無問題 read as モウマンタイ. I speak Cantonese so I immediately got confused as to why I was seeing this here. I started cross referencing with other dictionaries/databases and I came up about 50/50 between those that didn’t acknowledge this word at all and those that did.

    I already knew that many pronunciations in Japanese are identical or close to words in Mandarin/Cantonese, but in this case, is there any reason why these dictionaries choose to include this phrase? Does it see any use in Japan whatsoever?

  3. How would I say I do things *through muscle memory*? I basically want to say that I don’t know my passcode and that I only unlock my phone through muscle memory.

    Also, have you guys encountered this problem where typing Japanese characters using Japanese IME messes up the actual text box where I can’t erase characters or spaces, copy-pasting is wonky, can’t switch to katakana, etc? I would’ve provided a sample sentence for my question above for context but I can’t because of this problem.

  4. for katakana, do i need to learn the final nasal monograph too as written here for taking the jlpt?


    for example koto ヿ or nari.

    instead for the extended katakana, va vi ve vo are counted as obsolete.

    So i guess i can skip them, but correct me if i’m wrong.

    ラ゚, リ゚, ル゚, レ゚, ロ゚, ウ゚ should be obsolete too right? as from what i understood from this post:


    and even リ゜ャ lya リ゜ュ lyu リ゜ェ lye リ゜ョ lyo

  5. 羅。お前はとうとう現実と妄想の区別も付かなくなったのか?

    区別も付かなくなった – I get the meaning but what definition of 付く is it?

  6. Someone is accusing her dad or killing someone, and so she replies


    What is タマ in this sentence?

  7. Hi,
    quick question: i’ve been looking into online courses and so far I’ve came across Japanswitch and SNG (Shinjuku Language Institute).

    Has anyone attended either of these and if so, would you recommend it?

  8. Very random question, and probably a dumb one

    How would I transliterate a name ending in a consonant? I saw from an old post it’s a katakana letter ending in ‘o’ for t/d and ‘u’ for the rest for most English words. My name (สยาม, or Siam, pronounced /saɪam/ or /saɪæm/) has a Thai origin tho, so would it be any different or am I thinking into this too much?

  9. >1年間は 生きかえらせないでくれって

    What does らせ mean here? Is it some conjugation? I know what the sentence means, just not what this らせ is doing.

    The context is Goku asking some demon to pass his message that he doesn’t want to be revived yet.

  10. Are the following sentences correct?

    Speaker1 : あれはどこ?

    Speaker2 : あれは、ジョンに与えた。

    (Actual point : I’m trying to figure out, whether the “は” particle usage in the 2nd sentence is correct or not. The question came after seeing a similar example in “grammar guide by Tae Kim”)

  11. How would I ask a native for a word by describing its meaning? For example if I want to ask whether there’s a word that means きれいにする:


    Would it be something like this?

  12. (idk why I didn’t manage to make the furigana feature work, so I just added the reading following the kanji…)

    What is the difference between 通る (とおる), 過ぎる (すぎる) and 通り過ぎる (とおりすぎる”) ? yomichan with jmdict(english) says they all mean “to go by”, “to go past”

    The sentence is “その時、白いウサギが通り過ぎた。”. I guess this means “At that time, a white rabbit passed by” but if that is so, why didn’t the writer just use 通る?do they mean something different but in english it’s written in the same manner?

  13. What is the difference between

    現れる & 表れる?

    I am on chapter 2 in Tobira, the book uses the later while Jisho is indicating the former is accurate? Can anyone shed some light on this?

  14. Does anyone have copies of the Genki 3rd edition answer key for the workbook and textbook? I used to use a link to a page on Japan times website but its no longer available.

  15. For Japanese immersion what would be better Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp or Ensemble Stars Music?

  16. やってくれたものだね

    I saw this line in a manga when the speaker was annoyed by something someone else did.

    Why does this imply disapproval/annoyance?

  17. Question on this sentence. What’s the おいで here? Is it おく? I’ve always had a hard time understanding that verb. Thanks!

    > 郵便を取っておいで


    Full sentence for context (this is from Harry Potter):

    > 「ダドリーや。郵便を取っておいで」と新聞の陰からバーノンおじさんの声。

  18. Is 遣るactually interchangeable with する? I see it often enough, I wonder if there’s some nuance to using やる over する?

  19. Hello! The word 買い物 goes with the する verb or the 買う verb? If it is with する do I have to make it like 買い物する or 買い物をする?

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