Recommend a Lawyer in Tokyo/Yokohama Area?

Hey guys I am having a domestic issue with a neighbor, legal route with potential for major financial compensation a possibility. Was hoping to get recommendation on a good English/Japanese speaking lawyer that you could recommend. Thanks in advance !

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. > legal route with potential for major financial compensation a possibility.

    You realize that’s not really a thing here right? Damages are compensatory only, not punitive. So unless you’ve suffered a provable major financial impact due to whatever happened you might very well be spending more on a lawyer than you’ll be getting back from the courts.

    Although I guess it could be something like they didn’t pay the sorry we’re blocking the sunlight to your property with our 300 story building payment they’re supposed to make before building. That can come out to a hefty chunk because Japan recognizes the value of sunlight on your property and anything that interferes with it after you’ve purchased it unless previously agreed is a hefty chunk o change. (I’m not even kidding – it’s a thing – look it up)

    But for most stuff? A middle school girl in Yamanashi was forced to let school officials cut her hair. Causing as you can expect, a wee bit of trauma. The fine to the school? 110,000 yennies. Now that there is some MAJOR FINANCIAL COMPENSATION!

  3. I could, but I need more info before I potentially waste my colleagues’ time.

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