Work Visa to Spousal Complications

I’m currently on a work visa that’s still valid for another two years, but due to some issues I was having, I recently had to quit my job and have nothing lined up. From what I understand, I have 3 months to find another job. To complicate things even more, I’m getting married in 5 months and planned on getting a spousal visa. Am I still required to leave the country for a few months and come back on a tourist visa until I get married? I would much appreciate some advice.

  1. You can get “married” at your ward office thus getting the marriage certificate, then use it to switch to a spousal visa.

  2. Just keep looking for a job. Visit hello work from time to time to show that you’re actually job hunting.

    In the peak of pandemic I was looking for a job for almost a year and was basically living inside hello work.

  3. If you’re switching your status from the work to spouse, before it expires, you won’t need to leave Japan or switch to a tourist visa. Once you have your spouse visa, you also don’t need to be job hunting / have a job to maintain the spouse status. So as others mentioned, why not consider bumping your timeline up a couple months? Is the date in 5 months particularly special for you and your partner?

  4. The 3 month rule isn’t enforced, so you can keep your work visa another 2 years (or 5 months) no problem. If you want to be extra safe retain proof of job hunting.

  5. Immigration *could* start the process of revoking a status after not engaging in activities related to said status for 3 months, but they won’t. It’s not worth their time to investigate such situations. I’d love to hear an example of it happening, as I haven’t yet. In addition, looking for work counts as engaging in activities.

    Get married and change your status afterwards.

  6. >I have 3 months to find another job

    Are you either (1) actively looking for work, or (2) unable to work due to illness?

    If so then the “3 month” rule does not apply to you.

    Of course you need to (1) notify immigration within 14 days after your final day with your previous employer, and (2) enroll in and pay national pension and national health insurance, and (3) continue to pay all your taxes etc.

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