Opinions on Yaruki Switch Group

I just did an application for this company and I already set up an interview with them. I did seen some reviews about the company, but it’s mixed reviews. If anyone had worked there, can you provide input about the company?

  1. Very pushy. When I wasn’t available to go to an interview they kept on asking “Why? Don’t you want a job?” as if I don’t have a life outside of going to interviews…

  2. I’m glad you asked this because I was thinking about applying for them but the reviews made me question it too. I’m hanging in this chat to see what others have said.

  3. The rep is it’s one of the lower tier places to work. Their main eikaiwa, Kids Duo, is staffed by a mix of English speaking Japanese and mainly non-native English speakers from various countries. I’ve put my kids in their summer school for a bit of fun, but I don’t expect any real educational value from it. The staff were friendly enough, but I got a very distinct “everything by the numbers” vibe.

  4. I didn’t go through with interview offer because they wanted you to make a video about yourself or something and I have no time for that.

  5. All depends on where you get placed. Might be good, might cause you to have a psychotic break and quit

  6. I haven’t worked there, but I know a few people who have, one of whom still does.

    I’ll put it this way: the person who still works there vehemently hates the job and would quit if they had other options. The one who quit worked there for five years, and called it “five years of hell.”

    In a nutshell, it’s not a teaching position so much as it is a daycare. And as it doesn’t call itself a daycare and is not licensed as a daycare, they are allowed to operate understaffed, underpaid, and unorganized. It’s exhausting because you are continually on the go caring for a large number of rambunctious small children, often by yourself, or with other teachers who are similarly ill-equipped and inexperienced at chidcare.

    I imagine that if you really love little kids, you would love this job regardless of how many hours you work. On the other hand, it would still be very tiring, as anyone who is a mom could tell you how exhausting it is to take care of little kids.

    But if you are so-so about kids, or even dislike kids, this job isn’t for you.

    The friend who quit likes little kids fine, but felt unable to manage the kids because there weren’t enough staff for the number of kids, some of whom were still not even potty trained. He also wound up, after only three months on the job, as the school “manager” because he was the one who had been there the longest. Their turnover is very, very high. Basically, the school overworked him, and in the end he was burnt out to the point where he could barely drag himself home at night.

    But again, experiences vary, and if you really love little kids you may actually enjoy this type of job.

  7. I work at kd. They are understaff at my location and ot is expected only in summer and winter school (2 months). Most stress come from working with disrespectful co-workers (unironically all of them females)

  8. Depends on the branch and then also depends on your coworkers as well. I work at WB and I would say that it’s alright most of the time thanks to the kids. But, the management and the way the company functions is frustrating. They have very unrealistic and high expectations of their teachers that indicate that they don’t really respect us as humans. It’s very much about how many more kids can you enroll, how much more money can we make type vibe. And there aren’t any incentives or rewards given to the teachers to motivate us to want to do those things. I definitely want to quit as soon as I find something else

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