Can’t seem to find this very simple information: With a student visa, what is the latest hour you can work at a part-time job?

I’m sorry as this really looks like the easiest google search ever, but I’ve tried various angles and can’t seem to find it, including on the Ministry of Justice website.

(Note: I thought maybe I should post that on the monthly jobs thread, I didn’t because it seemed specifically devoted to job offers posting, but I can move it there if requested.)

So I have a student visa with an allowance to work up to 28 hours, but I’ve heard I am not allowed to work after midnight, and I also heard I can not work past 10PM. For a few weeks I’ve been working at a konbini with shifts until 1-2AM.

I also told my manager today when I found out, and said I would work only until 10PM until I can confirm the 10PM rule, and in any case not after midnight, but today I’m supposed to work until 1AM and he said at least for today do the planned shift.

Which, although the chance for a control tonight is close to zero, I certainly don’t wanna do, as I most certainly don’t wanna risk my residency card for whatever reason on earth.

Do you have any official reliable source to check that? (Or personal info, or advice?)

Thank you very much in advance

  1. I’ve never about this rule before but when I was a student I used to work past 10PM sometimes and I’ve never been in trouble. There’s also another rule but I am not sure if it has changed or not but you are allowed to work for an unlimited time during days off and school vacations. But you should definitely have this confirm by someone more competent in that field.

  2. There’s no time restriction, assuming you are 18 or older. The limits are 28 hours per week (up to 40 during school breaks), and the work must not interfere with the studies.

    I think you may be confusing this with the limitation for people who are under 18 – they are not allowed to work between 22:00 and 05:00.

  3. Visa wise no problem, I used to do night shifts, school knows about it too.
    Probably just rule school made so that your part time won’t affect your study. Which is valid imo.

  4. Some Uni dont “allow” study abroad students to work past 10pm but it shouldnt matter

  5. 6am is after midnight and presumably you can work then so it sounds impractical and unlikely from the start.

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