Did my application for iijmio go through? (Is there a better service to use? JP calls and SMS, and JP SMS while visiting in US a few times a year)


Newly moved student to Japan! I just finished filling out applications to for iijmio SIM contract and after I clicked submit some popup appeared that for some reason I just assumed was a confirmation and didn’t really read it… (dumb move I know…) I haven’t gotten an email from them since I was asked to verify my email with an email code when I was applying… I have checked spam as well already.

I went through the motions of filling out the application (filling out the info and providing pics of my residence card etc) and for sure submitted it (clicked the button), but now I’m paranoid the pop-up was some message saying the application didn’t go through or something…

Am I supposed to get an email from them after application? Maybe after they review and confirm it?? I don’t know if anyone here could help but might as well ask.

Also, considering I did already apply it’s a bit late now lol but might as well ask here if iijmio fits my needs

I have US SIM free phone Samsung Galaxy S20+. I am planning on traveling back to the US for family visits etc but pretty much need a Japanese phone number and bank account etc for the next couple of years besides that. The bank account isn’t opened yet but applications have been submitted. I have a residence card and I think I got the my number notification so I could apply for my number card if need be.

I want to receive calls and SMS in Japan and JP SMS (at least) while in US which I heard iimjio could do (roaming SMS i think it’s called) from a previous post unless I misunderstood? And I paid with US CC/Debit card since I don’t have the bank account fully set up yet. I probably wont get a JP CC since I’m only here for a couple years with no job (nor the document form for that lol) and my US cards will do just fine while I’m abroad I’m hoping. I would like a non 050 number to use with apps/other conveniences etc. Will iijmio fit these needs OK or is there a diff service that would be better?

I want nice and simple and I don’t want to have to buy another phone either. My JP level is like n4 so ok but I’m not confident enough to do anything close to a phone contract lol so easy and simple process or online so I can papagoTL the webpage is preferred. Im in Osaka and I already looked for EN customer support at shops but I see nothing in my region 🥲 and tbh going in intimidates me with all the paperwork… it seems like such a process… I struggled to get a commuter pass I don’t have confidence I could figure out a phone contract lol and they have weird limitations on sim free phones etc etc

If somehow my iijmio application didn’t go through maybe there was a better option for my needs so asking here.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for your time!

  1. Welcome to Japan mate. I’m not sure about what happened with the online application but IIJMio is definitely fine and foreign credit card friendly. I used it as well when I first came to Japan and switched a few months afterwards to another provider as I found the speeds with IIJ were slow.

    That said, I have some suggestions for you:

    1) Google Translate app is your best friend until you learn Japanese to a decent degree. Use the camera mode to translate stuff and don’t just click randomly anymore…

    2) Don’t be intimidated, go in person to sign up for things, try your best and use Google Translate’s conversation mode to help out with communication and understanding. Not much to it here, park your anxiety and start interacting with people or else your Japanese won’t improve and things will stay hard to do.

    3) Not sure if your IIJMio application went through if you didn’t get an email confirmation, so assuming it didn’t I recommend going to BIC Camera and signing up for the BIC Sim. They’re a reseller of IIJ but also throw in extra free points and other campaigns depending on the season. Plus, chances are there’s someone there who speaks English if you really need it. When I signed up I went to the desk armed with Google Translate and got it done within an hour without any issues. Japanese people are generally nice and patient and the reps in store want to make a sale so they’ll help you out. They also have sign up desks for all the other major carriers so you may be informed about other options that might suit you.

    4) Get a Wise account for cheap international transfers from your USD to JPY. Revolut works too.

    5) JP Post is your only bank account option until 6 months have passed at which point you’re considered a tax resident of Japan. When 6 months hits, sign up for Sony Bank as it’s a much better account with better banking and English support.

    7) Get your MyNumber card ASAP. You should receive a notification from the city with instructions on how to apply and it’s pretty straightforward from your smartphone. Two reasons you want it: 1) it’s another piece of photo ID which makes life easier and 2) You’ll get 20k yen of free points for signing up, which can be redeemed with most major services (Suica, PayPay, Nanaco, etc.). Basically, free money.

    8) Get a QR payment app. I recommend PayPay as it’s the most popular but Line Pay, d払い or R Pay are also fine.

  2. Same exact thing happened to me a couple of months ago. I got a pop up after clicking submit (little grey box at the top of the screen?) and then my application just sort of ended. I applied again a few days later (after receiving no email) and at the end of the application I got the standard “thank you” page and an immediate confirmation email.

    Maybe leave it a day or two and if nothing happens apply again, or email their support team and check if they got your application.

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