JP post question.

Customer service number (English) on the JP post site doesn’t work?

Using an American number. Do I have to add, +81?

Also if my friend received a notice asking if I reside at their residence because I had some packages shipped there.. But I do not live there will they get in trouble? Didn’t realize I had to put their name.

(I Live in Okinawa for context)

  1. Those number (0570) cannot be called internationally. You need to call from domestic phone in Japan.

  2. Is it 0120 or 0570 number? Those cannot be called from outside Japan. You can (sometimes) call them from a payphone.

    What about this ‘notice’ ? If you want to dump some stuff at a friends place at a different location the generally accepted method for that would be something like *John Smith c/o Hanako Yamaguchi* or in Japanese, ハナコ・ヤマグチ様方スミス様宛

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