Traveling soon, what exactly is a ‘vaccination certificate’?

Now before you reply, read.

I have document that says its a record of my 4th shot, I know that is useless as it even says it cannot be used for anything. Ok sure.

But I have another document that lists the previous three shots and says in red that its a ‘Certificate of Vaccination’ and I should keep it in a safe place. But I just noticed in fine print at the bottom is says it cannot be used as a certificate of vaccination… WTF? I thought I was sorted but now I am wondering if I need to cancel all my travel plans.

What do you actually need to leave Japan and come back? I can’t find a straight answer that doesn’t contradict what my documents say.

I am guessing there is no papers required to simply leave Japan right? I only need these papers to get back in? Also I am reading that I need a vaccination certificate with my passport number on it for reentry?

  1. The one with your three first shots should work, mine says the same and I have traveled in and out of Japan over 20 times in the last year.

  2. I believe it’s changing in May if your coming back that late .. but when I submitted my document with my name handwritten at the top.,it was fine.

  3. Get the 接種証明書 app, upload those documents, wait for approval, show app screen at immigration when promoted, profit.

  4. Go to the ward office/city hall. They’ll give you some forms and a list of shit you have to photo copy and send to a center and you’ll get a certificate sent out after after a week or so. You can take a photo of that and upload it to the VisitJapan site and get the QR code to show to immigration.

    That’s how it was in early March at least and I’d hope they’d tell you if it’s different now.

  5. If you need it for coming back into Japan it’s the visit japan website.

    If you need to to enter another country it’s the 接種証明書 app (near instant processing) or a visit to city hall for a paper version that takes a while to process.

  6. I just went to my local City Hall, and showed them my vaccination status and they gave me one

  7. Just get the app. It makes things really easy. I just got back from Turkey and I only had to show it at the airport in Istanbul when boarding. All of 5 seconds. Done.

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