Camping/Outdoor Store Etiquette

Hello, I’m not exactly sure where else to post this. I considered some outdoor subreddits, but I felt it belonged here more as I think it’s more of a cultural question. I have been to a lot of camping stores in Japan and the outdoors are a big hobby of mine. I am an exchange student and I’ve been wanting to buy a Montbell tent before going back to my home country.

My question is if the Japanese staff would allow me to try setting up one or two of their tents at the store before I buy one. I’d like to get a feel for which one is more convenient to set up and overall feel on the inside as well. I just don’t know if that would be acceptable to ask. I know Japanese customer service is very good, but I feel like this would be pushing it, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask here before asking at the store.

  1. I think you’ll get a 申し訳ございません. But you could ask. I remember when McDonalds refused to even let you buy just BBQ sauce. It only came with chicken nuggets.

  2. I’ve seen staff take out sets to set up at Ishii Sports in Yodobashi before. Maybe worth asking?

  3. Not unacceptable! Some stores are more willing than others but I’ve def seen tents pitched in-store. Bigger spots will have display models out too.

  4. I don’t know if they’ll let you open up a tent in the store due to floor space, but many outdoor shops have display models of tents out already so you can check those prior to making a purchase. You should just ask the Montbell store near you if there’s anywhere like that, that you can go to. I personally haven’t been, but have heard that the one in Outdoor Village is pretty spacious.


  5. Have you been to an outdoor store and seen the floor space? Unlikely.

    Try going to one of the bigger montbell stores in your area and look for displays.

    They are not likely to let you take a new/packed tent and let you set it up in the store.

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