For any beginners out there that want to learn/memorise Hiragana & Katakana characters I recommend you these two videos

[Learn Hiragana ひらがな (Japanese alphabet)]( [Learning Katakana カタカナ (Japanese alphabet)](

The Japanese Youtuber who made these is called [Learning Kanji](, He goes out of his way in these two videos to teach all Hiragana & Katakana characters at a slow pace with both videos lasting around 30-40 minutes and they’ve helped me with memorising characters I tend to forget.

I also recommend his other videos if your an experienced learner, he has [playlists]( such as JLPT N2 through N5, Japanese grammar & Kanji

*~~(there’s not a playlist for JLPT N1 as he’s only made~~* [*~~1 video~~*]( *~~about it that was from a livestream he did where I’m pretty sure covers all of it???)~~*

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