Itinerary Check: Hiroshima Day Trip

I’m going to be spending 28 days in Japan in May (2023), with 7 of those days being spent in Osaka (5 full days, and 2 travel days — one from Kyoto to Osaka, and the other being Osaka to Tokyo)

Currently, my itinerary for Osaka looks like this (I have a google map going at the moment with pinpointed locations planned, so this itinerary is a rough outline, thanks for bearing with me):

• Day 1: Traveling from Kyoto to Osaka
• Day 2: Spending the day around Dotonbori, doing some shopping, trying street food
• Day 3: Katsuo-Ji & Minoh Falls
• Day 4: (Hiroshima?) *see below* — would see the Peace Memorial and Museum, given my uncertainty around whether to visit, I haven’t fully ironed this out
• Day 5: It’s forecasted to rain so I would use today as a laundry/shopping day — also to do anything spontaneous that peaks my interest
• Day 6: Day trip to Himeji
• Day 7: Osaka to Tokyo

Given this itinerary, I was wondering if anyone thinks the currently scheduled *Day* Trip to Hiroshima is reasonable.

I’ve heard mixed reviews online given the fact that it’s 2 hours each way on the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen train. I also am considering including Miyajima into this Hiroshima trip (but understand that’s also another train, ferry and 1h30m of travel time to account for).

If anyone else has taken the day trip from Osaka to Hiroshima/Miyajima and has any thoughts, in light of my itinerary, I would greatly appreciate. I can’t tell if I’m trying to bite off more than I can chew with this plan.

  1. You can catch a ferry to Miyajima directly from the Peace Park area, however it isn’t included in the JR pass and I think it slightly more expensive. I took this ferry two weeks ago and it was great, but still took about 45 minutes each way. If you have the time to stay overnight in Hiroshima, I would recommend that. Hotel rooms are fairly cheap.

  2. As someone who just came back from Japan, I highly recommend checking to see if the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is open (if you’re interested in that) as I got all the way there and they were changing the exhibits and closed for the day 🙁 haha

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