Should I take JLPT N5 or N4?

So, I’m trying to decide what level of the JLPT exam to take this December. Right now, I’ve been studying N5 content with Minna No Nihongo and I’m currently in lesson 17/25. I expect to be done with that book in a bit over a month.

Assuming it takes me another month or two to truly master everything and practice it, is there enough time to go from N5-N4 before the test? Is 6 months, or possibly a bit less enough time?

  1. You could potentially do N4. Do practice tests and assume you’ll get 20 points lower than them. (150 points

  2. It is your money, do as you please. N5 or N4 can feasibly be reached in less than 6 months. Some people speed run to N1 in 9 months to a year – while unrealistic it does happen. If you are serious and study 2-3 hours a day, N4 should be easily passable by December.

  3. I could be wrong but I thought it was the first 50 lessons (the two Shokyu books) that get you to N4 level. Whereas the first book will get you through N5.

    Anecdotally, I passed the N4 after finishing Genki 1 and 2. The Genki series doesn’t cover all the N4 material, but gives you enough to pass. My understanding is that the first two MNN books introduce more grammar, vocabulary, etc. than Genki. So they should definitely get you over the line for N4.

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