How to order drinks at restaurants and izakayas

This is something that’s been bothering me for a while now

When I got to Japan I used to order drinks the “proper” way. 生一杯をください or something along those lines.

However, everyone around me always ordered drinks using 一つ、二つ and stuff. So, I too started doing that.

With that being said, most of my friends are also foreigners so I’m not sure if I’m making a mistake or not.

  1. May I have one beer, please?

    Two beers!

    Let me get three cold ones.

    …and on and on.

    More than one way to skin a cat and order a beer, as they say.

  2. There’s no ‘proper’ way. It comes down to the vibe of the place you are drinking. I go from ‘同じものを一杯ずつください’ to ‘ 生!!’

  3. I am not sure if the question is about the counter or the full sentence bit in Izakaya type of place you don’t need to be too formal.

    About counter 一つ、二つ are generic counter and can be used any time. Usually people use appropriate counter so 生 is a glass to 一杯 bootle will be 一本。a dish is more difficult you could say 一枚 if it is a plate or 一貫 if it is a sushi but 一つ looks good as well here.

    Then about 下さい you may be not that formal and skip it.

    I don’t know if it helps but in any case izakaya is really not formal so anything will make it !

  4. つ is very common for ordering at various restaurants.

    If you needed or wanted to specify how many cups or bottles you drank (or were working the bar yourself), a more specific counter might be necessary.

    A – お決まりですか。

    B – とりあえず、アサヒを一つ。

    A – 生でよろしいですか。

    B – お願いします。

    C – 私はキリンです。

    A – キリンはボトルですが…

    C – はい。

    A- (To bartender) 生のアサヒを一杯とキリンを一本!

  5. I’d never been aware of it, but at izakaya, everyone generally uses 一つ、二つ for both drinks and food.
    This is also the case when you ask for an extra plate, water, or tea.
    When people drop their chopsticks, you might find that more of them use ” 一つ rather than 一膳(ぜん).

    They would say “すみませ〜ん、生中(なまちゅう)一つと唐揚げ(からあげ)も追加(ついか)で〜!/Excuse me, can I add one more glass of midium size draft beer and some fried chicken!” without お願いします after that.

  6. It’s more or less the difference between asking for “two beers”, vs. “two glasses of beer”.

  7. 生ビールを一つ下さい (fresh beer 1 please)
    生日本酒を二つください(Nihonshu 2 please)

    Are simple examples generally provided with the counter on your hand like using your fingers works

    Prime example:
    Point to the picture and say ここですを一つ、お願いします

    If there are no pictures you can simply say “あなたのおすすめ教えて下さい、 (pause look interested and continue with) じゃー美味しいそうだ、あなたのおすすめ下さい”

    Basic broken Japanese 101 – if you want to play it real safe :

    “先にどうぞう” to your friend, after they order “私も同じです” – this is a real gamble though if your friend likes weird stuff

  8. Cool info I haven’t had a chance to go to an izakaya yet while living Japan. But taking notes for when I do.

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