I am seriously lacking in studying

I am having problems with studying as of now.

When I study nowadays, I study once every 4 – 8 days

All I do to study is write kanji, write sentences, and repeat the two

I tried to do hellotalk and talk with people but my god I feel too stupid and shy

I am at a crossroads and I feel as if I may be giving up, though I do not want to. I have been studying since November 2022 and I don’t want to stop now but it’s getting repetitive.

And the kanji that I study, I have no idea how to put some of them into proper sentences!

  1. Not sure how much do you know and what level are you but maybe try to use and test your skills more like in real life? Listening to podcasts (there are both beginner level, intermediate and of course for natives), YouTube. It makes a big difference even after not a long time of listening practice.
    I’m N4~ and still barely understand the topic of natives conversations on hellotalk, I don’t use it really often recently though :>> I still mostly listen to podcasts for learners, recently found one with conversations and it’s pretty nice too.

    You can get sentences from immersion like podcasts or reading maybe and then try to rewrite them using your kanjis and words with similar pattern? Like changing one word into another that still suits the sentence.

    I think also very motivating is talking with other people studying like on discord servers (there are some of them), that’s kind of how I got more into studying after like 180 days of duolingo. Maybe it helps :>>

    Trying new ways to study is always more fun than doing boring things like repeating vocabulary, grammar from textbook, and maybe you’ll find something youll like there.

  2. if all you do to study is write sentences and kanji, its no wonder why you want to give up….The only way to not give up in something that requires as much time as it does (like japanese) is by doing stuff you like…if you are a gamer, play games. If you like manga, read manga. If you like history, politics, etc… then look at that sort of content…


    if all I did was writing kanji and example sentences all day I would have dropped Japanese years ago, but then again, thats just me…


    it is never to early to start enjoying content…I started right after learning kana…. it will be hard at first, but worth it imo 🙂

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