Colon in vertical writing?

I’ve changed my Anki cards to vertical and some of them have dialogue, like

A: おはよう
B: おはよう

or something. The colon looks stupid vertically because it just stays upright. Is that “correct” in Japan? Or is it an Anki problem, that it doesn’t alter the punctuation for vertical writing?

I’m talking about the Japanese colon (:), not this one :.

How would dialogue like this normally be written in Japan?

  1. In vertical writing my impression would be that quotation marks would be used instead for dialog like this. Idk maybe someone can confirm this. But certainly I’d prefer quotation marks to a colon in vertical writing, and they make sense in the context of a dialog.

  2. In my textbook, vertical dialogue usually has the name of the speaker on the top, and then just the quotation marks

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