Can anyone help me ID the sushi that I couldn’t identify please?

Can anyone help me ID the sushi that I couldn’t identify please?

  1. If it was pricey or at a nice-ish place, I would guess 4 is chutoro (middle fatty tuna belly 中とろ), 2 might be o-toro (fattiest of fatty tuna belly 大とろ), but that might be what 1 is. The salmon on the right is salmon belly, vs the other that just comes from the flank of the fillet. And I think 5 is tai (red snapper 鯛).

  2. Guesses

    1. Albacore tuna though might be mahi mahi if that’s local to you.
    2. Might be barramundi, yellowtail kingfish, swordfish, kanpachi. Hard to tell
    3. Buri/hamachi
    4. Someone said this is chutoro but I’m suspicious. I eat chutoro every week and this doesn’t look fatty enough. It normally separates easily at the muscle striation but this doesn’t. Looks like plain katsuo (bonito) tuna from a sake block.
    5. Might be tai (sea bream)

  3. Venture a guess – 1 is hamachi Kama (I’ve taken off tons of these) 2 is hamachi belly (fat striations lead me to believe that) 3 is kanpachi (as it has a much more dense, firm texture) 4 is chutoro (you can see the chu leading into the akami) and 5 is either tai or madai (it looks a little pale, no skin side visible and I can’t tell)

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