Hole in the wall spot in downtown Vancouver, all for about $20

Hole in the wall spot in downtown Vancouver, all for about $20

  1. Sushi done right killer with the fillings and price is reasonable 10/10 bravo,bravo 2 the awesome sushi chef🤙🤙🤙🤙

  2. I live in Vancouver and have never heard of this place, will definitely be checking it out!

  3. Thought you were talking about Vancouver WA for a second, and I didn’t believe you. Haha

  4. Vancouver has an insanely strong food game generally. Incredible sushi but also just great seafood. I’ve been thinking about a combined Seattle and Vancouver trip.

  5. Looks yummy! Is it weird that soy sauce in that plastic container always tastes so much better to me for some reason? 😂

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