McDonalds here apparently no longer provide ketchup for anything outside of nuggets

I went to a local McDonalds here tonight, ordered a burger and fries, and asked for ketchup. The young man behind the counter politely told me in Japanese that they don’t give ketchup for anything besides nuggets anymore.

I understood what he said, but it was so unbelievable that I asked him again. He explained it again politely in English to the best of his abilities. “POTATO! NO KETCHUP?!” I exclaimed. Not in anger, just pure disbelief.

I left it at that. I don’t mind saving the calories. I just… I’m in disbelief. McDonalds here are more expensive, don’t offer free refills, and now they don’t even give ketchup? The fries are perfect, but come on.

Maybe this is just a local thing, or just that branch. So I want to check if anyone else had this experience.

  1. Had the same issue trying to get extra sauce on a McRib

    Me: extra sauce please

    MD: we can’t do that

    me: ok give me a tub of bbq sauce

    MD: you didn’t order nuggets

    me; ……………….

  2. Who puts ketchup on chicken!? That’s almost as perverse as putting anything but ketchup on French fries.

  3. What!? Where do you live??
    I went to McD here in Yokohama and got ketchup without any problem.

  4. Huh, I never eat ketchup with McD’s fries so I’ve never noticed I guess… I’ll have to try to get some next time I go just to see 🤔. Sometimes I can get them to bend the rules just by being sad and good at Japanese and saying how much I love ketchup lmao

  5. It’s been like that “officially” for more than a decade. But depending on the shop or the attendant, they just look away and give the sauce anyway. You were just really lucky until now.

    You can try Burger King, they have the extra sauce choices at no cost and give you as much ketchup and mustard as you want.

  6. I ate some of my kid’s happy meal fries with tomato ketchup today. Wasn’t an issue. Maybe the guy was new, poorly trained (high turnover and vacancies in that industry), or at that particular location they were running low on ketchup. A while ago they had to ration fries because they were running out of those. Until they *flew* a plane load over from the US to meet demand. Supply chains are still effed up; now it might be big ketchup that’s in trouble.

  7. I remember last year I asked for two ketchups with my large fries and had the following conversation:

    私: ケチャップ2個ください

    店員: ケチャップ**1個**

    私: いいえ、2個ください

    店員: *pressing button to get me only one* 1個

    私: *sigh* ケチャップ1個ください

  8. It’s not even an option for nuggets. Go order some nuggets online. The options are BBQ, mustard, and whatever the new sauce of the day is. Ketchup is just by request for whatever you want. You must have been dealing with an uninformed employee.

  9. There’s a McDonald’s near me that has NEVER given ketchup for fries in the almost 10 years that I’ve been here. I think they literally don’t stock the little tubs / packets. Every other McDonald’s I’ve been to gives them upon request.

  10. More expensive? Not sure where you are from but it’s way less expensive than in North America, especially with the weak yen.

  11. Don’t get me started on the promotion for the Giga Big Mac that didn’t exist. Almost none of the stores near me even offered it and the one or two I could find were “sold out”.

  12. Can’t you buy sauce separately like every other country? I guess it’s already weird that you can’t customise your food.

  13. When to McDonalds today for the first time in a while.
    I don’t need anything with my salty chips, but now that you mention it… I used to get it back in the day in Europe.

    Did you know that Japan MD apparently gives more fries than other countries including even the USA? The burgers I hear are smaller, though

  14. Wha? Just today I went and got 4 ketchups along with our lunch order. Pretty sure the issue was just with that guy not understanding something.

  15. I was at starbucks one day, and after being handed my drink I reached for larger straw since its easier with frappeccinos, only to have them suddenly *pulled away* from me by the staff. I was pretty taken back by that. Its just a straw after all. They said those larger straws are only for the special drinks that have cookies and shit in them.

  16. In Tokyo, I went to mcdonalds, asked for ketchup, they gave me 4 little containers of it. Speaking of which, I hate those containers, they are good for nuggs, suck for fries, I’d rather have packets.

  17. i go to McDonald’s every week and I always ask for ketchup for my fries..never got rejected yet. is this an isolated thing?

  18. I was at a McDonald’s tonight and they had a sign that said you only get two sauces with nuggets. Any extra sauces are ¥30. Not sure if that included ketchup.

  19. Japan in general is stingy about ketchup. But they’ll cut a whole tree for each meal so you can wipe your hands poorly and throw away the utencils

    This is the land of the conflicted. Everything has balance

  20. Get yourself a regular hamburger without mustard and use the ketchup in there for your fries. WIN!

  21. So I did a bit of searching and it looks like the official stance is that while stores will usually give you ketchup when asked they are curtesy items and not obligatory. So if they are running low they can refuse.
    But I also suspect that it was a brain freeze moment for the particular staff member.

  22. I used to work at McDonald’s in Akihabara (anyone remember Akiba Depaato? You might have seen me there.), and am still good friends with my old manager (this was decades ago, and she now works in the main office as a buchou or something).

    I personally haven’t had any problem getting ketchup, but I asked if there was some internal effort to lower costs.

    She said that recently due to supply shortages, stores have been asked to be frugal with supplies and cut costs as much as possible at their discretion.

    The manager of the store you went to took that to mean “don’t give out ketchup except for nuggets”…… which is a weird conclusion to say the least.

  23. I can confirm this. I thought they just forgot it but when I went to the counter and asked them they, in a way, politely said “no.”

  24. I just purchased a meal set from McDonald’s a few hours ago, asked for ketchup and they gave me one without any question.

  25. I just asked a fulltime employee about this post. He laughed and said no such thing. They should give as many as you ask (reasonably).

    That’s either a lie to fuck with you, or a temporary “rule” they make when inventory is short. I personally have heard different lies too, like “only one ketchup for M size” or “can’t swap your happy meal toys even if everyone in your table got same toys”. (Different toys are to be given to everyone in same table).

    And branch managers are the ones that usually make these lies, so don’t bother asking for the manager.

    Edit. u/jadamsmash you should definitely make a complaint about it. HQ is not going to like that a branch decided to take away the ketchup right from a customer. Also I believe you get a free fries coupon for filing that in.

  26. They’ve always been weird about ketchup here. We order 4 large fries and ask for ketchup. They give us 1. We ask for more and they begrudgingly give it to us, but ask us to return it if we don’t use it.

  27. I went to Mc Donald’s yesterday and asked for ketchup for my fries. I didn’t have any problem

  28. Probably a local decision by that specific franchise otherwise you’d probably have some sort of news about it (like when they stopped offering fries above S size due to potato shortages/prices).

  29. usually i dont have problems with getting ketchup but the mac near my new house has a limit. one for a medium, 2 for a large 🙁

    i think it depends on the manager

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