Weekly Weekend Thread – 17 April 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. The Parents came to visit me finally! Took them on a hike and we had a lovely picnic. The jarring way they pronounce “arigato” cracks me tf up but at least they tryin’. 😆 My neurotic germaphobe father is obsessed with oshibori. 🤣

  2. Sunday weather was great. Took the family to a big zoo and saw so many smiling faces everywhere, for the first time in years.

  3. Was supposed to play futsal Saturday, but got rained out so we ordered pizza and hung out at home.

    Yesterday we did a bit of window-shopping to check out things for the new mansion, then at night I made cheesesteaks for dinner, came out pretty great.

    After that, Arsenal v. West Ham late Sunday night managed to completely ruin my good mood right before bed time.

  4. Went to the local library to see where my residence taxes were going. The building is pretty retro looking on the outside, so i wasn’t expecting much, but it was pretty nice. There were available seats even on Sunday, which would be impossible in my home country. No wifi, but it’s japan after all.

    while i was waiting for them to make my library card, the librarian approached me and called me Lastname-san (my spouse’s last name) like it was the most natural thing in the world. It feels nice to be called that, since my job uses my legal name instead.

  5. I discovered my bathtub is one those with removable panel type. What was beyond was not nice.

  6. Actually had a fantastic weekend!
    On Saturday, I went and saw Aimer’s concert in Yokohama. Her voice doesn’t change between live and album. It so much fun😆
    On Sunday, I went to see the Harry Potter stage show. My friend got special tickets which let us in early to take pictures without a crowd and we got extra goods. The seats were in the perfect spot to see everything clearly!

  7. Went ham in airsoft on Saturday, then Sunday morning everything below my hip- thighs, knees, calves, was in pain so I didn’t go anywhere. Still hurts now, at least I managed to go to work today (with great effort)…

  8. Made another one of our occasional treks to Costco to stock up on things that we can’t get locally. Stocked up on meat, granola, cheese, bagels, and a few other things that either aren’t available here or only come in tiny packages. Made the trip in my husband’s new car. An SUV is great thing to have when making a Costco run.

  9. that new spare rib flavor instant ramen isn’t half bad, but definitely not southern (US) bbq style

  10. We had people over on Saturday. 9 adults and 6 children total. Everybody seemed to like the food and we had a really good time. They also liked how we decorated our house and my wife overhead one couple saying that they felt sorry for the family who has to invite next.

    I was a bit surprised at how rowdy the other parents let their kids be. One of the fathers told me that his sons had destroyed 2 sofas and 2 TV’s while playing. I didn’t find that surprising at all. They’ve had to install some kind of plastic riot shield over their tv.

  11. I spent it finishing up a drawing and forgot to eat breakfast and lunch on Saturday as a result. Thanks to that, it helped lessen food expenses for the weekend as I got the habit of eating out on weekends recently.

  12. First day back at work since the accident – 3 months almost to the day (Jan 18th) – they got rid of all the coin parking near my office so I’m pissing everyone off by parking at our 2nd building. Going to take a walk as soon as the rain subsides and get a couple of parking lot phone numbers to call to see if anyone has an open space.

    Also my wrecked hand is shaking pretty much uncontrollably which is freaking people out.

  13. Went to a local farmer’s market on Saturday. Lots of little useless crafts being sold, a couple of ridiculously expensive food tables, and only a couple of veg tables. But good veggies. All organic and fresh, and very tasty.

    Fired up the new weber on Saturday. Gonna enjoy playing with that!

  14. Went to buy aircon for my new home-to-be, and I found that way too much details I have to be aware of, with my broken Japanese I spent 2hrs with Bic Camera sales just to arrange the inspections…

  15. Visited the local aquarium at Fukuoka with my partner. It was a decent site, albeit a bit smaller than I expexted.

    Ended the day with eating fish & chips ironically lol.

  16. Got info on a house. I was fine with the issues it had until I read “termites: yes”. How hard/expensive of an issue might this be? The property is older (I actually care mostly about the land and location anyway), so I have to wonder how much damage there might be. I suppose I won’t know until I see it. Any advice is appreciated!

  17. [First roses of the year!](https://imgur.com/a/pA8Vzri) I think I burnt the tips a bit with overzealous fertilizer use, but currently have 6 in a vase, another 3 that weren’t looking too hot that I just tossed, and another 7 on this plant! Two other plants are lagging a bit, but maybe another dozen before golden week.

    Strawberries are doing well too. The early ones were tasty, and some runners have been sent out. Some of the guys at work have asked for plants, so I’ve been potting up runners.

    Finally caved and put some blueberries on the balcony. They’re getting cheaper this late in the season(Aichi). Nice sized plants for about 2500 yen after soil and pots are factored in.

    Went for a bike ride and did some drawing, Saturday was a bit rainy but yesterday was a beautiful day.

  18. Went for a walk in the lovely weather yesterday and discovered a hitherto-unknown (to us) Chinese place, so stopped for lunch.

    The food was great, and we were left satisfied. Until later in the evening, when the Sichuan yakisoba made its presence known in my colon… resulting in me spending a large portion of last night switching between clutching my guts in agony, and running to the bathroom, leaving my poor ring ringpiece feeling like it had gotten the business end of a red hot poker.

    10/10 would do again.

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