Is it possible to retrieve dropped thing from the river?

Hello! I’m sorry if my question is stupid, but I couldn’t find any answer by just searching it.

I’ve lost my glasses a few days ago, dropped then in the river close to the concrete coast. The problem is, they fell somewhere in the water under the concrete, umm, things that are shaped like a 4-end star. This glasses are really special to me, so is there any service that can help with retrieving them?

Thank you! >_<“

  1. There is no law that prohibits you from picking them up from the river yourself. I’ve never heard about anywhere where they provide this specific service… the boy scouts maybe?

  2. Inland river or by the ocean? I ask because the tetrapods are usually on the coast.

    What with the limited visibility, currents, and the steep and slippery surfaces of the tetrapods, I suggest you don’t persue this further. It’s dangerous and you are unlikely to ever find your glasses anyway.

  3. I don’t have an answer.

    I’m just putting myself in your shoes, losing glasses or whatnot between tetrapods, and then thinking how long I’d need before reaching the natural conclusion, “I’ll ask reddit, maybe they’ll know what to do”.

    And thinking about reddit would probably never even happen.

    Shit, I’m probably old, or drunk, or both.

  4. Go to the local arcade and gather up 5 of the best UFO catcher players to assist you on this mission

  5. If you ever drop your glasses into a sea of tetrapods, let’em go…because man, they’re gone!

  6. Do you know that they are still there? Do you know exactly where? Magnets with a stick or fishing rod might work.

  7. How much of your glasses were magnetically receptive metal? You could try magnet fishing

  8. What was the frame made of? Maybe you could buy strong magnets and fish for it?

  9. Buy a ferret and train it to get your glasses. A trained ferret can do this in a few seconds.

  10. Just rappel/abseil and get it with your long claw tool. Bring a friend with you just in case.

  11. Can you see them? Is the water clear? How deep is the water? Is there a current in the water? How close can you get to them? I think knowing these (maybe you already provided this) would be helpful in providing possible solutions.

  12. It’s much cheaper to get a pair of glasses at Tokyo glasses than to risk your life

  13. Can you see them from where you dropped them?
    Is it stuck in some kind of crevice?

  14. you wont find them yourself, dont even try. Only chance you got is hiring one or 2 scubadivers.

  15. It’s unfortunate that your glasses are forever gone into the void of the ocean river waters. It’ll be easier and less threatening to your life to just let it go, and possibly buy a neck strap thing for your next pair of glasses.

    My mother taught me while growing up, that things are just things, and what makes things special is our thoughts and memories. So, keep dear to your heart whatever thoughts and memories were attached to your glasses, but let the physical object go. You’ll be okay.

  16. Time for some new glasses, man.

    My friend back in England is an ex-tank commander who wears glasses. Get some special ones like that, with the strap that stops them flying off when exciting things happen 🙂

  17. Be very careful about this. I’m not saying this jokingly, just let them go. It’s not worth your life , getting yourself caught up in those pods.
    You could try asking help from a scuba diver in the area maybe?

  18. Strong magnet maybe. Can you see them? If so then long bamboo with coat hanger maybe. Or attach a lasso to the end.

  19. Its illegal and very dangerous to go around the concrete things. Stupid people dies every year because of that, dont be that person and get a new special glasses instead of losing your life or risking somebody elses life.

  20. I’m someone who is actually knowledgeable about the ocean and tetrapods etc.

    Your glasses are gone, they are now way at the bottom of the tetrapods.

    There is no way to get them back.

    If you try you have a good chance of dying.
    You also have close to a 0% chance to get them back.

    Do NOT UNDERESTIMATE the danger of these things.

    The fact that you lost your glasses to them and are wondering if you can get them back tells me that you have no business climbing around tetrapods.

    If you fall you will die.
    It’s very easy to fall into them.

    Furthermore, they will keep sucking you deeper and deeper under them every time the waves hit them and withdraw. Often times the bodies of people who fall into tetrapods are permanently unrecoverable.

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