Can you tell me what this is!

Had a lovely meal in Yumoto this evening.
Could anybody help me with what it is we ate!?
I’ve worked out
2) Tempura prawns
9) Green tea noodles
7) Rice!


  1. 1 looks like mochi for dessert

    3 looks like tempura dipping sauce (tentsuyu)

    4 looks like steamed egg (chawanmushi) but it’s not in it’s usually small pot so i could be wrong

    5 is miso soup

    6 is a variety of pickled vegetables (tsukemono) yellow is probably radish, brown looks like burdock root

    Not sure about 8, maybe some kind of braised meat?

  2. 3 is the dipping sauce for the tempura

    4 I am guessing is a broth for the noodles. That type of bowl looks like a Japanese style mortar and pestle, which is often used for grinding sesame for sauces and soups. It almost looks like it has soy milk in it, too? Plus the pour spout?

    5 Miso soup

    6 tsekemono pickles

    8 I’m not sure, but I’m wondering if the white part is grated mountain yam?

    Also 2 isn’t just prawn tempura. There is a specific name for a kind of mixed medley of chopped vegetable tempura that is a little more fritter-like than individual fried things, and that’s kind of what it looks like above the shrimp.

  3. No.4 is grated yam (probably mixed with dashi) for pouring onto the rice (boiled with barley). It’s called “mugitoro.”

    No.8 seems like raw fish (tuna) with grated yam on it

  4. 1 Unsure, but looks mochi-like (I’m not a mochi fan, and not up on my various forms of mochi, of which there are many)

    2 ebi kakiage (tempura shrimp and veggies)

    3 dipping sauce for 2

    4 homemade tofu? possibly sesame tofu because of the cup (a sesame mortar)?

    5 miso soup

    6 tsukemono (various pickles, one of which is daikon, the other two maybe burdock root and horseradish greens?)

    7 rice

    8 maybe a piece of fish/seafood in grated taro?

    9 matcha soba

  5. 1. Shiratama
    2. Tempura and kakiage
    3. Tentsuyu/mentsutyu – sauce for the tempura or noodles
    4. Tororo – This is grated yamaimo (mountain yam) and it can eaten with the soba or the mugigohan it usually has dashi stock and seasoning added, but if not, you’re supposed to pur a little soy sauce in it.
    5. Miso soup, looks like it has negi (thick scallions, and aosa, a type of seaweed similar to nori, and some kind of vegetable but I can’t tell from the picture)
    6. 3 pickles clockwise from the top takuan(dried daikon, this one looks like it’s pickled in soy sauce), some kind of pickled green, I’d guess mizuna by the looks of it, but I can’t be sure, the two brown root slices are pickled gobo (burdock).
    7. Mugigohan – this is rice that’s been cooked with mochimugi (pearled barley) and then you pour #4 on top and whip it together until it’s foamy.
    8. Really hard to tell from the photos, but this also looks like tororo served over something (maybe some marinated raw skipjack tuna) with some dashi stock.
    9. This is matcha soba, and I’m guessing the white part is kumiage yuba (fresh soy milk skin), with wasabi in the center.

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