IT Cerficiation, what amd where ?

Hello everyone!
Sorry in advance for little confused topic.

So, during covid, and goes back to study only (Udemy, codecamp and other) and after 2 year of self study I got a job as a front end dev In a nice Japanese company (Hourray!).

Japan love test and certificate. Of course my company give bonus if you got new one (and of course it’s look nice on resume ).

So I am looking to got some certification that can make Japanese company happy and if possible in English ( my JP level is ok, but not super comfortable).

If any body got any hint where to find them, or even any name, I will super grateful!
Cheers !

  1. Congrats! Any specific tech certificate you’re looking for?

    I can generally suggest IT Passport, AWS certificates (if your company utilizes or plans to migrate to cloud)

  2. Maybe you could look into CompTIA and see if they offer a cert that you could use

  3. You could also consider some non technical certs to help with delivery and process – Agile/Scrum/ITIL etc.

  4. There are hundreds of IT certs out there. It really depends on what you’re looking for specifically. Check some of the major vendors/brands that are of some significance to your function or ambition, there’s a good chance they offer some sort of certification.

  5. If you want to be sure that your certification will be recognized, I would go for a national certification starting with either IT Passport or 基本情報技術者試験.

    Alternatively, go for AWS, Azure, Oracle depending on what is in use at your company.

    Best is to ask away at your company to check what their needs are and what certifications they expect you to get or what certifications are the most inline with what you whant to do there.

    To note; I’m not really familliar with frontend, so your mileage may vary.

  6. Dun dun dun~~~

    If you are comfortable with reading JPN, [](

    It lists certifications by industry/type/national/civilian, and provides what sort of level of prestige or usefulness the certificates have for work or job hunting.

    For example; [IT Passport]( says it is so so good for job hunting, describes the contents, costs and how to go about getting it.

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