Sugarfree Costa coffee no longer at 7/11?

In the last 6 months, my neighborhood 7/11 started stocking cartons of Costa ice coffee for like ¥400 each. The sugarfree version was right in my Q zone, but in the last few weeks, they’ve started only carrying the sugared version. I asked the staff and they didn’t have any information on why one was dropped while the other stayed.

With summer just around the corner and ice coffee pretty much the only thing I drink in the mornings working from home, help me out – any other similarly priced take-home options of relative quality out there?

  1. Coffee is the one thing you can make at home for a fraction of the store price. Invest in a thermos flask and some ice cube trays.


    The 無糖 version on the bottom?
    For some weird reason it’s limited to Tokyo and a couple nearby locations? *首都圏+北関東(群馬、栃木、茨城、千葉、埼玉、東京、神奈川、山梨)限定。

    Considering how it was initially released only for 7/11, and limited to a small area, maybe it’s time to move on to something you can just order online and keep at home, or even make on your own, instead of paying 50-100% conbini markup.

  3. japan loves to do this thing where they make a really awesome food or drink then yoink it off shelves forever just to make you cry…

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