Itinerary Check: Fukuyama Day Trip?

I’m currently planning on visiting Osaka this upcoming May, and am wondering if anyone has any thoughts regarding a day trip to **Fukuyama (**福山市**) / Tomonoura Port (**鞆の浦**)**!

From the 16th to the 22nd I’ll be in Osaka (the 16th and 22nd as travel days).

I’ll be using the 17th and 18th as days solely dedicated to Osaka, the 19th as a possible day trip to Fukuyama, the 20th as a leisure day (it’s forecast to rain), and the 21st as a day trip to **Himeji**. I will be going to both Kyoto and Nara during my trip, so am not currently planning on day trips to either of them.

I was originally planning on using the 19th to travel to **Hiroshima** & **Miyajima** for the day, but recently found out that the first day of the G7 summit will be that day (the Peace Park will also be closed, and I am anticipating heightened security measures), so am opting not to visit Hiroshima during this trip.

Fukuyama was not originally in my shortlist of potential day trips, but was immediately drawn to visit, based on the picturesque views of the islands along the shore of the Tomonoura Port from Ushiroyama Park Observatory.

If anyone else has visited Fukuyama before and has any personal reflections of whether it’s worth the day trip, I would greatly appreciate any thoughts you have! *I’m also considering Okayama or Kobe as back-ups.*

1 comment
  1. > I’ll be using the 17th and 18th as days solely dedicated to Osaka, the 19th as a possible day trip to Fukuyama, the 20th as a leisure day (it’s forecast to rain), and the 21st as a day trip to Himeji.

    1. Any forecast that is more than 5 days out is just a projection, so in all likelihood it may remain all the time or in can be entirely dry period.
    2. Tomonoura is a nice and underrated target, but Fukuyama has a is a very meh… location – OK, reconstructed castle and such, but it really makes more sense to visit Onomichi, or Kurashiki (Kurashiki Bikan and Kojima), or Okayama (Korakuen), or Takamatsu and Art Islands, or Bitchu-Takahashi before visiting Fukuyama.

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