Through to final interviews with AEON and got an interview with NOVA. Any advice?

Hey guys, I passed the screening and initial interview with AEON and I have the group / personal interviews coming up in a couple of weeks. Anything I should overly prepare for or expect?

I also got approached by NOVA over an interview, though I am more unsure of their process. Any advice here would be great, thanks 🙂

  1. Be happy and cheerful, like over the top cheerful and you will be fine. Kids lessons are a big money spinner, so say youlike kids. Aeon has a big sales aspect to the job, Nova doesnt really. At Nova i got asked the difference between lend and borrow but this was several years ago. Aeon will be watching you from when you enter the building, if you go to Glassdoor you can read some reviews on interviews and conditions. Good luck!

  2. For AEON, you’ll have to take a short 20~30 minute online grammar test so I’d brush up on your basic grammar knowledge. A positive attitude is what they’re looking for.

  3. Don’t remember which part of the interview it is, but make sure you read whatever they send you and visit the website they send you to. Read about it because they definitely asked about some details there.

    Beyond that, have good energy and be responsive to feedback you get afterwards. Also make a note of your mistakes and where you’d improve the demo lessons you do because they will ask about it.

  4. Don’t know about AEON, heard it’s ok along with ECC. Run as fast as you can away from NOVA.

  5. I would say stay far away from Nova. It is the blackest of black companies. I worked full time and barely made 150,000 a month. I got influenza and was out for 7 days and they didn’t pay me, they also deducted about 50,000 yen because i missed classes. They will also overcharge you for their crappy leopalace apartment. They charged 80,000 yen a month for a 1k apartment (not including utilities) in rather rural location. For scale I live in a 2ldk apartment in the city now and it costs 60,000 a month including utilities.

  6. I have to repeat others here and say that NOVA is a hellish company that will openly disrespect you. AEON seems fine. A lot of their workers are a bit pinched and busy all day, but their working conditions seem fine otherwise and a lot of them get along well with their school staff.

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