Delicious sandwiches!

Delicious sandwiches!

  1. It looks like there are a lot of sandwiches lined up.A sandwich shop?Come to think of it, when I buy sandwiches, I often buy them at convenience stores, but recently, I feel like there aren’t many sandwiches in the store.

  2. I miss the feeling of being able to just grab all these daily, having my little time in heaven eating them

  3. That’s actually a chain sandwich shop (don’t know the name). There’s one in Tokyo station, Tachikawa station & Hachioji station, and probably many other locations. Their sandwiches are amazing! I usually get two different ones before boarding the Shinkansen @ Tokyo.

  4. Very jealous!

    I’m gonna sound like huge Japan fanboy but ever since i’ve been to Japan every sandwich i’ve had from a chain corner store here in Switzerland has just been boring and plain. I just don’t get it. We have great bread here, we have great meat and vegetables. How do they manage that it barely matters what sandwich you buy, they all taste like nothing and the bread is dry.

  5. And they are full! Buying sandwiches in the UK you’re lucky if you get much more than mayo’d bread. The fillings are pitiful

  6. Omg and looking at the prices makes me so mad because a new shop opened up in my town in the US and it’s quadruple the prices.

  7. Plug for Sandwich House Tres! If you’re in the greater Seattle area, over in Bellevue there’s a small shop that makes Japanese sandwiches. They’re soo good!

  8. Love Japan but goddamn they stretching the definition of sandwich real tight there

  9. Most Japanese sandwiches suck lol. They often look loaded from the front but are pretty much only half full, so the back is just bread and maybe cabbage and sauce

  10. I’ve had to resort to making my own sandwiches to get this experience. I miss it. This and onigiri.

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