Am I the only one who does not like golden week?

I’m really NOT looking forward to GW holidays, there is no place which is not overpriced at this time and the holidays are just too long. When you can’t go anywhere for almost 10 days. I’m so worried how to pass this time smh.

  1. Holiday’s are too long??

    I love new year and gw holidays, I can sleep uninterrupted for a while week

    I usually complete a couple of video games too

    But as you said it’s not worth going anywhere during that week

  2. Imagine complaining about a holiday being too long. Find a hobby and spend your time chilling at home. Maybe go on some day trips to non-touristy local towns. Watch some movies, pick up on video games that you’ve abandoned if you’re into that, watch some corny reality TV, learn cooking some basic or new recipes. The possibilities are endless.

  3. I dont really like it because there’s a bit of pressure to do something special for it, such as travel, but often I just can’t be arsed to. My wife usually agrees with me on that one though so we can settle on a short trip to somewhere not too far away if we feel like it.

    Also, usually I’m working a bit during it so obviously not a big fan of that lol.

  4. 10 day holiday for GW? Sign me up. I only have a 5 day weekend, which I’m looking forward to. Golden week for the family and I usually consists of hiking and some sort of home project.

  5. I wish they’d do holiday shifts. Half the company takes this week off, the other half the next week.

    It does get really crowded and it becomes hard to go anywhere.

  6. No, I don’t hate getting things done at home, playing board games with my friends, reading books and watching youtube.

  7. I love GW because I have a nice long break to get to the things I can never manage on my “to-do” list. I’m planning on doing a bunch of stuff around the house. It’s also a good chance to take a trip somewhere not too touristy that will be empty because people always go to the same boring tourist destinations. Overpriced doesn’t really matter to me because it’s not outrageous or anything. Just a bit more expensive than in the quiet season.

  8. When I was single, I hated holidays as you cannot go anywhere without crowds. But as I grew older, I started to appreciate how everyone is off at the same time. Finally I have time to catchup with kids, family, friends. Sure, there are crowds everywhere – but if you book early, get seat tickets, book a rental car and avoid main rush hours, you can get out with no issues. But you don’t have to. It might be a good time to explore your neighbourhood. It might even be quite empty, since everyone goes somewhere else!

  9. Golden Week is a great time to travel abroad, as long as you book many months in advance. The whole Northern Hemisphere is at the height of spring.

  10. Oh noooo a bonus vacation on top of your paid holidays. Yeah, no, I love it. I get 10 days off this year and I’m going to enjoy every last one of them.

  11. I can do whatever I want to do except going to big city. How don’t you like that?

  12. I guess you’re the only one, cuz comments have been overwhelmingly supportive of GW

  13. Best time of the year, greenery, perfect climate…just don’t go to tourist spots?

  14. I wish I had ten days. I would manage to do all my decluttering and go through all the paperwork that’s taking up more space than I do .

  15. oh boo hoo, be glad you get a long respite from work. i’ve missed many gw completely and this yr i get 2 random-ass days off in the middle of the week… like c’mon, y’all can’t shift it closer to the weekend so i get 4 in a row? (especially since i only get about half of public holidays off!)

  16. the 5 days for this year is enough for me to take a breather.

    I do agree that a 10 day holiday without a preplanned thing is too long.
    There’s still time to plan OP, theres no need to spend a yen. Take into consideration what you wanted to do but cant because of limited time after work

  17. GW is the best time of year to do at-home stuff. Chill, deep clean, fix that shelving unit you have putting off for months, sleep a lot.

    Too much money to go anywhere and be rammed in the crowds so we normally go travelling later in May.

  18. I don’t have a single day off during GW. Never had, never will. That’s how it is working in a hotel. I hate GW with all my heart

  19. Everywhere packed. Tickets too expensive or sold out. Only good for staycations.

  20. Yes, and no.

    I love the days off. I can finally catch up on things to get done around the house but still during the day go on day trips and play some golf.

    Now my wife wants to take trips and my bank account is looking to take a big hit.

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