Po-Po came to my house with “assault investigation”

Hi all. I am an American with a spouse visa. I live in the north ward of Sapporo City.

The other day some plain clothes oinkers came knocking on my door with the claims of “assault” by a foreigner on the day before. Of course I was polite at first. The assault apparently took place on Friday and came to my house on a Saturday afternoon. This was just golden as they did not have the hair color, clothes description, height, weight, facial features etc. I let them blab away for like 20 minutes. I asked them if they have a description of the time, place and important details about the attack? Because I was downtown for work and can prove I was far from the area of attack. I also asked what other details they have, and they replied: the attacker was a foreigner. At this time they told me the attack on a campaigner for local office. I then said: “Well with all the witnesses, you do not have a clear description of the attacker?”. I am sure with the amount people working with the campaigner, someone should have had at least a smartphone recording of the attack. At this point I went ham on them. Asking them if they would like to see my knuckles because a false crack to the face would leave marks on the attacker knuckles. I also asked them if they would like to call my office to prove I was in my office at the time of attack. I had a field day with this.

I may have been an asshole when I went ham on them, but I was polite at first listening until they had all their cards out. I really wish I recorded this because this was a definitely case of racism.

Although I was born and raised in America, I have very Asian features as I am mixed. It would be a little difficult to place me in non-Japanese group based on looks alone. My guess is that they searched the resident records for “foreigner” living the area of attack.


TLDR: The PoLice came to my house because they received “reports” of a foreigner attacking a local office campaigner with no real evidence that it could have been me.


Edit: Thanks to you who think I am bot.

  1. >Asking them if they would like to see my knuckles because a false crack to the face would leave marks on the attacker knuckles

    If you’d asked nicely, they may have had some crayons so you could explain your side of the story.

  2. Let’s turn the table:

    I can’t believe I had to deal with this arrogant American tourist today!!! I mean, seriously, who does he think he is?! I was just doing my job, trying to keep the streets safe, and he acts like he’s above the law!!!

    So, here’s what happened: I was patrolling the streets like I always do, when I noticed this guy walking around looking all suspicious. I mean, he was just loitering, looking around nervously, and generally acting like he was up to no good.

    So, naturally, I stopped him and asked him what he was doing. And do you know what he did? He got all defensive and started shouting at me! Like I was the bad guy here! I mean, come on, I’m just trying to do my job and keep the streets safe.

    But no, this guy had to act all entitled and start lecturing me about his rights and how he wasn’t doing anything wrong. I mean, who cares about his rights?! We’re trying to keep the city safe here! And he was clearly acting suspicious!

    Anyway, I had to let him go because he wasn’t actually breaking any laws, but he acted like I was some kind of villain for even questioning him. Typical American arrogance, if you ask me. They think they’re above the law and can do whatever they want.

    But let me tell you, as a proud Japanese police officer, I won’t stand for that kind of disrespect. We’re just trying to do our jobs and keep people safe, and if someone acts suspicious, we have every right to investigate. So, to all you entitled Americans out there, just remember: we’re just doing our jobs, and if you act suspicious, don’t be surprised if we stop you!

  3. One more reason not to fill out that moving in questionnaire when the cops come to your house and ask for it.

  4. The terms you called them is very unbecoming of you. You claim racism but talk about police like that as if it is ok because it’s a uniform. I hope they boot you out.

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