I started working at a sushi restaurant almost two years ago. I wasn’t able to make sushi until around one year ago. I had no experience and very little reference before I started and now I make stuff like this!

I started working at a sushi restaurant almost two years ago. I wasn’t able to make sushi until around one year ago. I had no experience and very little reference before I started and now I make stuff like this!

  1. Dude Im kinda in the same boat as you! I started in 2020 when I was 17 and had zero knowledge of how to do any of it. Also I love the cubed wasabi!

  2. That looks delicious! Everything looks really fresh. Love how you garnished with roe instead of drowning it in mayo.

  3. You better hand over these creations before I hold your family for ransom (I’m hungry)

  4. Outstanding presentation and amazing looking fish. Are you willing to share your restaurant and location?

  5. the addition and placement of seaweed like it’s in a bowl of ramen is very original!!!

  6. On the job training is the best pay your dues and keep moving up look at yah now🤙🤙🤙🤙

  7. Actually great dishes and presentation. Its so rare to see something like this in this subreddit. Beautiful.

  8. I don’t know how this post ended up on my feed but I’m so hungry now lol this looks delicious and beautiful

  9. your skill in constructing sushi and your skill in plating is amazing, everything looks so beautiful. youve come so far in such a short amount of time, congratulations and i hope you continue to grow !

  10. That Chirashi is looking very strong. I can’t get that done right in lots of restaurants

  11. what is something you learned that helped take your skills to the next level?

    Any hacks that you recommend?

  12. Can you tell us what you’ve learned about fish and shellfish quality? Knife skills are awesome and obviously vital but i’m always fascinated by those who are so knowledgable about the base product

  13. Damn. That’s amazing, sushi around me looks like crap for the most part. Keep it up!

  14. Fuck, this is depressing. The shit I have to make at my job is embarrassing sometimes; I really need to leave this place.

    You have serious skills, dude! Keep it moving and don’t let this industry poison your passion and creativity.

  15. Great work!
    I make sushi at home and it tastes good but always look ugly. Can you suggest some easy things to do to make the rolls beautiful like yours?

  16. Curious what it cost to make a bowl like this at home.
    Vs what you might pay at a restaurant.

  17. Yo!!! Move to CA, get your own food license and do private sushi events (private party, clients, etc….)

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