Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 17, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I am quite familiar with られる form or at least I thought but just recently came across a use of られる I have not seen

    クラブ行く時どんな格好で行かれてましたか? Speaker B is asking A “How do you dress when you go to the club” this is at least how I understand it its this correct? why not just my first instinct would be just to say クラブ行く時どんな格好で行くのか how do the meaning differ ?

  2. I’m pretty new to learning Japanese, but I often find sentences in songs or the like that I want to understand, so I look them up in Jisho and try to figure out what they mean.

    I searched this sentence from [this song](https://youtu.be/O2OKMwLnNvQ): 届け魔法笑顔のまほうみんなをしあわせに。

    I’m having trouble figuring out what it means. I understand を assigns the direct object, but it feels like it’s missing the verb that goes along with it.

  3. I was told you would need around 650 kanji and 3500 vocab for N3.

    So i was searching vocabs and kanji on JLPT sensei but only like 300 of vocab show up but around 350 kanji is all there.

    Am I missing something?Can you guys suggest some good sources for vocab.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I am unsure about the meaning of “一揆を含む民衆の反乱” below, I think because 一揆 and 反乱 seem similar. Does it mean, rebellion of the masses that includes revolts? For いびつな形で, in this context, does this mean something like, a warped form of rebellion. (Source is Odd Taxi Ep. 4, 9:13)

    田中: かつて日本では経済的格差の不満から**一揆を含む民衆の反乱**が行われたという. この教室内で貧富の差が拡大しないようにした教師の配慮は**いびつな形で**反発を生んだ. たった1人の生徒に. これは一揆や反乱といった組織的なものではなく. たった1人が起こした革命だ. 俺はこれを田中革命と名付けた.

  5. また、ディシアが熔鉄流獄·浄焔怒涛を発動してから9秒間、チーム全員に「熔金の躰」状態を付与する。熔金の躰状態に**ある**キャラクターが浄焔剣獄領域内に**いる**時、追加の中断耐性を獲得する。

    Is there some reason for the choices of ある and いる here? 熔金の躰 is a state that the characters can be in, while 浄焔剣獄領 is a big circle on the ground that they have to stand inside, is that why?

  6. [https://imgur.com/a/67jX4q2](https://imgur.com/a/67jX4q2)Does anybody know which kanji is written on this paper charm? I am not yet good with kanji so I can’t tell especially when it is calligraphy. Also, should the cursive writing on the right even supposed be readable I can’t tell a word.

  7. This might be a dumb question, but are there any compound words where the reading is actually shorter than the Kanji? As in, there are more Kanji in the word than mora / kana?

  8. I’m trying to think about how to formulate the following sentences. In my English mind these are sentences that end with double verbs, but in Japanese that may not be the case.

    * I will practice cooking
    * I will practice reading
    * I will practice speaking

    With the first one I’m guessing I can just use cooking as a noun, though I know read and speak are both verbs. My guess as to how they would be formulated are.

    * 料理を練習する
    * 練習読む
    * 練習話す

    I think 練習 being a する noun is throwing me off in the bottom two examples (not to mention the fact that present and future tense are the same).

  9. 「Just」とか「Well」などのつなぎ言葉は辞書によっては「さて」、「まあ」、「では・じゃ」が使えることが出続けるけどネイティブスピーカーからはそういう言葉を聞くことが非常に珍しい感じなんだ。例えば、「I’ll just leave this here.」と言ったら、「まあ」を使うほうがいいでしょう?それかそういう言葉(特に「まあ」)を組み込む傾向はなんか英語イズムか。


  10. This is sentence from the anime [宇宙](#fg “そら”)よりも遠い場所: (edit: furigana is broken…)

    For context, the girls are trying to lure some boys out and one of the girls suggest to use their feminity to do so to which her friend replies:


    I get what the sentence means but where does this しろ come from, it really confuses me as I cannot find it in the dictonary. Is it the imperative of する? Because I don’t see how the imperative would make sense to use.

  11. Is there an app to just brute-force practice Hiragana and Katakana? Like what I would do with paper and pencil, transcribe what you read to roman chars and check that you got it right, rinse and repeat as in repetita iuvant. I would find it much more effective now that I’m studying the basic characters instead of testing them one by one.

  12. So I was watching a hololive member do a let’s play video and one of the phrases in the game was “おめでとうございます”, but it was written in Katakana instead.

    Why would something written in hiragana be written in katakana instead? (and why was apparently it funny?)

  13. Question for people about where they spend their time when studying. If you broke it down into different categories, like learning vocabulary/review (aka Anki), grammar, immersion (listening, reading, speaking, etc.), or any other categories, what percentages are you doing each? I think I spend too much time in Anki relative to other things so something like my ability to form sentences tends to be lacking by comparison.

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