Grammar Practice Tools

How do you practice using and remembering grammar points? I’ve used anki deck, but I realize I just start remembering the example sentence, instead of the grammar point. Do you make a separate deck? What tools do you use to retain grammar points? It’s especially difficult if the grammar point is similar, like ことだから/ ものだから.

  1. Read books/novels? That’s how I learned English grammar, and that’s my plan to learn Japanese grammar as I’m getting close to that level

  2. In my experience, consuming media is the best way to practice and retain grammar; I’ve never had success doing grammar cards. I’d recommend running through a grammar pretty quickly (e.g. [Sakubi]( and consuming some low level material (e.g. graded readers, Comprehensible Japanese on YouTube). Look up grammar questions as they come up in what you’re consuming, and at some point it’s worth reading through the grammar guide as well, or getting something more in depth like A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar and reading through that (it’s not meant to be read through like a textbook, but it’s a great way to pick up miscellaneous grammar imo)

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