[Chinese -> Japanese] Can someone help me translate my chinese name into Japanese, and it’s not katakana.

my chinese name is 韩奕翔, but I don’t understand how it translates to japanese since my first character is han and I dont understand the onoyomi technique Can somebody help me out

  1. I would rather have the name in katakana. You seem to want to use japanese readings for your name but wouldn’t that be really annoying.

  2. To answer your question: in onyomi it’s pronounced Kan Eki Shou.

    But on a more practical note, if you are actually interacting with Japanese people, please just use a katakana approximation of the Chinese pronunciation for your name. It is much less unwieldy.

  3. If i understand your question correctly, it would be *kan-ekishō* or *kan-yakushō*

  4. 韓(かん) 奕(えき or やく)翔(しょう)

    かん えきしょう

    ハン イーシャン

    I think katakana is better. You can still write it with kanji and read it with katakana. Not sure how it would work if you applied for a visa etc.

    Katakana reflects modern pronunciation. Onyomi kan’on reflects Chinese pronunciation circa 700 AD. They’re both valid.

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