Looking for work visa or immigration lawyer suggestions (tried looking on my own)


Here is a link to my last question. I am looking to finally move back as my health is finally doing better. I tried contacting some lawyers when I made that post and they said to contact them back when I wanted to come back but now I feel like that was a bad idea and I should’ve found someone more proactive. I left around end of April 2022 last year due to a combination of health/family problems. My work made me sign a resignation letter in December 2022 and when I tried to contact immigration they also said talk when you arrive. Two things, first being: does anyone know a good immigration or work visa lawyer to sort things out before going back that is good with English?

And secondly, will I be fine if I go back before the date that I left last year (example: if I arrive before April 30)? I have tried asking the questions directly to immigration but they didn’t provide any details as I am not in Japan at the moment. I have been actively looking for work and I am close to finding one that will align to my return (as my treatment has helped me become better and good to be back).

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Looking for work visa or immigration lawyer suggestions (tried looking on my own)**


    Here is a link to my last question. I am looking to finally move back as my health is finally doing better. I tried contacting some lawyers when I made that post and they said to contact them back when I wanted to come back but now I feel like that was a bad idea and I should’ve found someone more proactive. I left around end of April 2022 last year due to a combination of health/family problems. My work made me sign a resignation letter in December 2022 and when I tried to contact immigration they also said talk when you arrive. Two things, first being: does anyone know a good immigration or work visa lawyer to sort things out before going back that is good with English? I emailed a few but their responses were slow so I was hoping if anyone had a contact that would be fast at helping me figure out my situation.

    And secondly, will I be fine if I go back before the date that I left last year (example: if I arrive before April 30)? I have tried asking the questions directly to immigration but they didn’t provide any details as I am not in Japan at the moment. I have been actively looking for work and I am close to finding one that will align to my return (as my treatment as helped me become better and good to be back).

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  2. >I feel like that was a bad idea and I should’ve found someone more proactive.

    What do you mean “more proactive”? The lawyers you contacted asked you to reach out when you were ready to try to move back? They *cannot do anything until then*.

    What exactly do you think they should have been doing to be “more proactive”? They’re not going to waste time doing research and contacting immigration unless you’re actually ready to take action.

    >does anyone know a good immigration or work visa lawyer to sort things out before going back that is good with English?

    It’s unclear why you even need a lawyer in this situation. Or at least why you need an immigration lawyer. Based on the discussion in your previous post you are still *probably* a resident, and if you return before your one-year reentry permit expires you will continue to be one. Assuming, of course, that your status of residence has not expired.

    That is really the question here: When does your status of residence expire? If it expires after April 30th, you don’t need a lawyer. You’ll return using your reentry permit, inform immigration that you have a new job, and move on with your life.

    If your status of residence has *already* expired, a lawyer isn’t going to help you. You’ll need to apply for a new certificate of eligibility and go through the same process as you did when you first came to Japan.

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