Fastest/most reliable mobile data prover in Tokyo.

I’m gonna have to do some outdoors live streaming in Tokyo, and am trying to find out which data carriers to go with to make that happen.
My current carrier, Mobal, which uses the Softbank network absolutely sucks.

Anyone have any experience with this?

  1. If you want absolute best speed, you need to use the Big 3, not any of the MVNO. And also make sure your phone/device/whatever support all bands of that carrier (foreign device tend not to support all band)

  2. Go to a docomo store that has the fast 5g,m. Easily does 1 gbp+, downside is you just gotta stay near the window and have line of sight into the store

  3. Ahamo will let you use 100GB total a month for around ¥5k yen.

    Povo is pay-as-you-go for data, ¥330(?) for each day you turn it on for unlimited data. In practice it lasts up to 47 hours if you activate it at 1am, since they cut it off the next time it hits midnight once you hit the 24 hour mark.

  4. If you need network outdoors and you’re in Tokyo, definitely check out Rakuten Mobile. They have their own network in major cities now, it’s not MNVO. In the past Japan had only “the big three” mobile operators, now there are four.

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