How do I go about studying for N4

So I passed my N5 exam in December 2022 cycle and have started studying for N4
For N5 I studied from nihongo shoho (ch 1-21) and solved some question papers along with kanji and vocab practice that I did according to the book and haven’t used any other textbook as supplementary materials.

Now that I’m studying for N4, after completing nihongo shoho (ch 22-34), should I go for another supplementary textbook like minna no nihongo?

Or should I continue as I did for N5. I’m trying to get some conversation practice on my own as well, along with listening. I even made separate social media accounts where I only post in Japanese.

  1. A vocabulary Anki deck, a kanji list, and the TRY! N4 book should probably be enough

  2. I never did the textbook approach, but if you like that stick with it. You do not need to do a textbook, but grammar starts to get super important as you approach N4 and N3 because it will cover 90% of normal natural Japanese, where as N5 barely scratched the surface. If you are ‘immersing’ – anything enjoyable for you is probably worth doing for a half hour or more a day, but unless you are doing guided content you are still not going to survive regular native-focused material until you are N3+ in general. Do not expect things to be easy, as even Yotsuba! will introduce words and concepts beyond your N5 understanding.

  3. wanikani for kanji and to a letter extent vocab, bunpro for grammar, and anki 2k deck for vocab got me to N3

  4. I did Genki II, Tango vocab book, 完全マスター文法 + 読解 and lots of listening.

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