Hiroshi Tanahashi broke his rib at Capital Collison

Hiroshi Tanahashi broke his rib at Capital Collison

  1. Broken rib, still continues the match. And then he’s still willing to do meet and greets the day after.

    And that’s why he’s the ace.

  2. If we are going to be denied Tanahashi/Ospreay for like a third time I am going to be so upset

  3. Ace is holding on by strings and duct tape, please take some time off tana 😭

  4. He already didn’t look healthy the last few months. I hope he takes time off to heal now.

  5. Is there a reason Tana hasn’t taken extended time off yet? He’s still putting on great performances, but obvs not at his highest level and he walks like an 80 year old man these days. He should take like a year off and heal. Kenny did it and now it’s like he never left 2017.

    Can you imagine if Tana came back in 2012 shape after doing the Rey Mysterio stem cell treatments? It’d be like a god coming back to us.

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