Is visa change taking longer than usual around this time of the year?

Title – it’s been almost 4 weeks since I requested a visa change from student to work visa. I have read that it takes normally 3 weeks but has anyone had an experience with a longer processing time?

  1. This depends a lot on where your immigration office is, but the borders were probably closed the last time you applied for a status of residence. 3 weeks is very fast for Tokyo.

  2. Yes it is… I heard of a couple of cases that the original visa got expired because of the long wait.

    It took my brother 2 months to get a renewal when before it was 3 weeks at most (Yokohama).

  3. Usually 4 weeks. But it wouldn’t surprise me if it takes longer around this time. New arrivals. Lots of people renewing visas as they either arrived around this time last year, or students.

  4. A friend applied around the same date. If you get any news plz let me know if you remember.

  5. My permit to engage in extra activities took 6 weeks instead of the standard 2… Shinagawa Immi office is pretty backlogged atm

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