Does anybody have experience finding a job through Wantedly?

Recently, I’ve been looking through Wantedly in hopes of finding a job.

Since mostly all positions seem to be targeted towards Japanese talents, I wanted to ask if anyone has actually found a job through this site.

In terms of language level, most don’t specify so I’m guessing native Japanese is a must?

I have a little above N1 but not sure if thats enough for these positions.

  1. If you have N1 your Japanese level should not be a problem for any company. Majority of company require N2 sure it’s depend on the job type but you should be fine

  2. Sure, not me but my coworker who preferred working at smaller companies. He didn’t have great Japanese, maybe N3 at best, but he also did web development, so. Didn’t really need the Japanese skills.

  3. Should be enough to get pass the application phase. Also most companies have an SPI test on personality, logic, reading, and math. You probably need a month to practice and study on that, the bar is really high and you need a good grade. Companies may consider together with the first interview + test results, or some companies will determine if you can get to the interview based on test results. You then will need to prepare the interview well and provide the correct answers (memorize) to common questions to demonstrate preparation (buy a few japanese guide books for that). In the interviews they will decide based on your speaking levels and whether or not it is satisfactory to present in front of clients if it is a client facing position, the Japanese level requirement will be lower if it is not client facing.

  4. I don’t think they only target Japanese talents… more like people who could communicate in Japanese, since that site is mostly in Japanese.
    It is a good site for getting in touch with the companies in a supposingly ~casual~ manner. I think you can voice your concerns and ask questions after getting an appointment for a chat or something.

  5. They usually require business level proficiency which is around N2 afaik. You don’t have to be a native speaker for most positions, as long as you’re able to communicate with them well.

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