How to buy a small plot of land in japan?

Hello everyone. I’ve been thinking of buying a car recently and I will enter the driver’s license exam in June. The problem is of course the parking space. I have been searching for a spot close to my house but they are at least 5 mins away by walk.

There is a small plot of unused land in front of my house that can fit about 1 or 2 cars and I believe it is not part of the apato.

First of all how can I check if it is a part of the apartment, second how can I buy it if it is not owned? If I can buy it for a cheap price for like 5k usd or something like that it might be good investment.

  1. 1. I guarantee someone owns it.

    2. If you have the address you can go to the city and find the owner and contact them.

  2. City halls keep track of all plots of land and control the zoning rules.

    It’s fairly unlikely a land the size of 2 parking spaces would be sold individually. Either it is owned by someone already, or it is unallocated space pending to be merged with other plots of land.

  3. It is not the city hall but an office called the 法務局 where you look up the owner of a parcel of land. But you can only get the owner’s name and the address of the owner at the time the land was purchased, maybe decades ago.

    It takes more detective work to find where an owner is currently living. Best to leave that to a real estate agent. Or better, use an agent to find a small plot of land that is actually for sale. There are more than you think. Where is this land?

  4. The other option could be find the owner and offer to rent it for very little. I have a friend with a similar space and asked why he didn’t rent it and he was like too much trouble but I assume if someone offered him some cash to rent it cheap he would take it

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