Which region of Japan has the best and most reasonable weather?

Ive finally been getting a hang of Japan and getting used to the culture and people. However today I just realized that i want to move regions possibly. Why? The Kanto weathers been absolutely bogging me down its absolutely awful. I thought maybe Spring would be better but now its well into Spring and its been cloudy and rainy most of the time. I like sunny weather and this lack of sun has been affecting my mood and health. I love outdoor activities yet literally everyone of my days off its been rainy or overcast.

Whoch region in Japan has the best weather or at least reasonable weather?

  1. That sounds like the best and most reasonable weather to me, tbh. It’s going to be 28 on Thursday and I am dreading it, and that’s a blessing compared to July/August/September…ugh.

  2. I believe Hamamatsu had the most sunny days out of any location in in Japan. Also heard Miyazaki prefecture has the best weather overall.

  3. Tohoku in the mountains is pretty nice, but the snow can get heavy. The summers always have a nice breeze. Maybe only one or two weeks a year do we need AC, most of the time a fresh breeze is always present.

  4. I think you’d really like Fukuoka. We have a very mild winter (little to no snow) and quite a good number of sunny days throughout the year. We enjoy a temperate climate, but the summers can be a bit rough. However, there’s so many beaches nearby or even in the city – that it’s a great place to cool off. I just went for a hike yesterday, perfect 21 degrees Celsius and low humidity (for now).

  5. Tokyo is one of the sunniest places in Japan. Hokkaido is awful, cold and dreary most of the time. Kyushu is good, but their winters are not sunny unlike in Tokyo.

    Okinawa has great weather, which is although rainy, it is warm and doesn’t lack sunlight.

  6. Kagoshima? Summers are humid, but it’s always been one of the prefectures that appears to have great weather to me lol.

  7. If you like sunny weather, Setouchi area(Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tokushima, Kawaga) is mostly sunny according to statistics.
    Usually, it’s also sunny in Kanto area in spring, however, it depends on where you’re from. It’s very rainy and cloudy compared to Southern California but it’s really sunny compared to North/East/West Europe, for example.

  8. I love it here in Niigata. But I also like rain so it doesn’t bother me when there are rainy days.

  9. The Setouchi region is famed for its sunny weather. I spent a few years there and have family there.

  10. As someone who lived up north, winters can be really grey and dull. There are a lot of days that I wish I’m in the South especially Kanto. While it’s snowing heavily there, it’s just generally nice weather in Kanto.

    Imo I think the windy, cloudy weather here is not too bad. Sunny days here can be actually consistent compared to the place I lived where it’s just most of the time overcast or rainy.

  11. Not Tottori, that’s for sure. They call this place 山陰, so you can get an idea of what to expect here. On the other hand, south Okayama is really nice and it doesn’t rain that much.

  12. If you love the outdoors, consider Shikoku. It’s sunny more often than not. Very hot and humid in the summer tho. Snow (besides in the mountains) is very rare.

  13. In all fairness, weather sucks anywhere in this country. When it’s not raining it’s either arctic cold and dry or hellish hot and humid. With 2 weeks of good weather in between.

  14. Pretty good here in Kobe. Summer is hot AF, but Japan so you know. It’s rained a few days here this spring but not much. Winters are really dry. May and most of autumn are just about perfect here. I cycle a lot and am able to get out all year round

  15. Kagawa is quite dry which is why we grow wheat half the year. Still more rain than many countries. Some of it is quite sheltered.

    But then the only other area I’ve spent serious time living in is Amami Oshima. The weather there is not dull. Not at all. Nor is walking in the woods.

  16. Tokyo. You won’t freeze to death on your driveway, you don’t have to shovel snow out of your way to go to work every day for a few months every year, it’s not as hot as the southern part of Japan either. Bonus points for easy access to all the mountains in the Kanto region.

  17. Okinawa to me has no doubt one of the best weather if you like it tropical. It can get pretty hot and theres a lot of creepy crawlies but i loved it there.

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