AMEX Global Card Relationship From The U.S. To Japan


Does anyone have experience with getting an AMEX card in Japan? I noticed the Global Card Relationship program where if you have a card in the U.S., you can get one in Japan or any other country without already needing credit established:

I have already lived in Japan for 4+ years and don’t have a credit card here. I also don’t already have an AMEX card from the U.S but basically my plan was to still apply for a U.S one now and then one in Japan after.

Does anyone know if that is possible? If so, how long would I have to wait to apply for the one in Japan assuming I get approved for the one in the U.S.?

  1. Why would you do this? You’re likely to be denied for being super unusual. You should apply for Japanese AMEX directly.

  2. >AMEX card in Japan? I noticed the Global Card Relationship program where if you have a card in the U.S., you can get one in Japan

    Yep. I swapped my US-issued AMEX card to Japan AMEX one, and I did it over the phone in Japan in ENGLISH in less than five minutes.

    AMEX’s Global Card Relationship program makes getting a credit card in Japan very easy (many gaijin have hard time here). The program is specially helpful for wannabe eng*r*ish teachers since most universities in the US will issue an AMEX card to any student with a pulse but no credit history.

  3. Amex approves anyone with a pulse.. in both the US and Japan.

    If you transfer, they cancel your American cards. I just applied fresh and now I have both.

  4. Also done this. Was super easy.

    1. Log into your US Amex account
    2. Go to the JP Amex application page
    3. If it’s working, partway through you should see a line saying “member since XXXX” (year)

    They take into account your relationship history with Amex US when deciding whether or not to issue you a card.

    Note that you need to have a history of usage on the US card. You can’t just get it, not use it, and then a couple of months later expect to be given a card in Japan. While I doubt anywhere near this much time is needed, at the time I applied, I’d had and used a US Amex for 11 years with a perfect credit history.

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