Before Genki

Hi! I want to learn some japanese by my own, using books and youtube videos on the matter. I wanted to know what should I learn BEFORE starting with the genki books. I’ve heard that I should memorize Katakana and Hiragana alphabet first of all.
I’d like to hear your oppinion on the matter, since i’m new on the matter.
Thank you!!

  1. Genki pretty much starts with learning Hiragana/Katakana iirc. You can start day 1 with it.

  2. Maybe Hiragana but honestly you can start from 0 with genki just read everything carefully and go back to shit when needed.

    I got hiragana and katakana done in a weekend back when I started. Just sat there and wrote them all over and over until they all stuck in there.

    Not saying that’s the best way but it’s not a huge feat. It’s 100 squiggles.

  3. Genki starts from absolute zero knowledge. The first two chapters cover hiragana and katakana. I believe the workbook even includes a page of flashcards you can cut out to use.

  4. Genki is meant for people with zero Japanese knowledge.

    No need to pregame.

    The only thing you can do to make the whole book easier is to be 100% confident in your hiragana and katakana.

    Learning to count in Japanese will help as well. Since later chapters will teach you variants of counting for different kinds of objects.

    Definitely pick a youtuber who has done extensive genki reviews and made a study series of videos.

    As you go along watching their videos and being 100% confident in your vocabulary and grammar from your current chapter BEFORE moving forward will keep you from burning out by rushing through the book without actually retaining.

  5. just start, there’s no need to try to hyperoptimize your first couple weeks of learning

    yes memorizing the two kana syllabries is important, but there’s no need to fixate on one thing to the detriment of everything else, either now or later on; even, well-rounded progress in all areas will probably be easier over time

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