Is this a good enough reason to study Japanese?

For the past 2 years already, I have been on and off studying the Japanese language. I basically just know hiragana, katakana, and a few hundred kanji. The reason why my learning was on and off was that I did not really have a reason to study. I get easily bored by anime, TV shows are ok and the only exciting thing is being able to watch youtube and maybe even create on youtube in Japanese. But yesterday, I discovered Manzai. And I love the concept, and I love the idea of doing it one day. But there comes the problem. Am i going to be able to become a manzai comic? I do not have enough money for a school to teach me, but at the same time I am still 17 and have a lot of time to figure out how to do it. But I still have doubts in my mind. What if I will not enjoy doing it? What if I can not become one? And there comes the question. Is wanting to become a comic a good enough reason to study Japanese?

  1. I mean, if you’re asking what are your chances of becoming a professional manzai comic, that’s like any other actor/musician/creative kind of field. It’s hard to break into, and whether you succeed depends on hard work, talent and also a lot of luck.

    But when it comes down to it, any reason you want is a “good enough” reason to study Japanese. Think about it this way, if you spend the next however many years studying, learning, becoming able to understand manzai and maybe even writing/practicing some routines yourself — but you never do it professionally, are never able to make a career out of it. Would you look back and regret the time you spent studying? Or would you feel like it was worth it for whatever enjoyment you got out of the process?

    Good luck!

  2. Say you don’t get into manzai, you’ll still have a decent level of Japanese, which on its own is an objectively good thing, isn’t it? And who knows where that might lead you.

  3. I mean learning Japanese because why not is already a good enough reason. If you have an actual aspiration, do it. If that runs out, so what?

  4. The only bad reason to learn a language is one that fails to keep you motivated. If the objective of becoming a manzai helps you to put in the hours then it is a good reason.

    I would say though that it feels incredibly ambitious, comedy, especially what I understand as fast paced, pun based comedy, is difficult for even competent non native speakers to understand, never mind perform. Ambitious is a good thing, but on its own it is hard to measure your progress against a stretch goal, is there something intermediate you can set your sights on to help?

  5. definitely this is a good reason.
    As i konw ,there are not so many resources of manzai/owarai in english,if you’d like to, i could show you how to find some(im a owarai otaku as well)

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