I don’t care what anyone says, Finlay’s new look is top-to-bottom great and definitely credible looking

I don’t care what anyone says, Finlay’s new look is top-to-bottom great and definitely credible looking

  1. I have no issue with the look whatsoever, and his style in the ring is great. Plenty of potential there.

    The promo stating that Okada “has my World Championship” though just highlighted how much he has to go to bridge the gap between his current status and main eventer. Because all I thought was “fuck off, you’re David Finlay”

  2. Its just for me he looks like he is auditioning for the Bat out of Hell musical

  3. It’s like he took pieces of his dad’s various gears over the years. I love it.

  4. Remove the Walmart EVIL stuff on the shoulder blades of his entrance attire, get his body even more built (which I think he can do), and we have a main event player.

    BC Leader taking the gimmick of a violent psycho is great tbh, especially if he goes through with his vision of filling BC with like minded people who’d also show the same tenacity.

  5. I personally don’t dig his look but I dig his character and I think the look his good fit for the character that he plays. He didn’t won me completely over so far but I am willing to give him a chance.

    I really don’t understand why people can’t be more open minded about him and his role. I was open minded about Jay and he did become great. I was also open minded about EVIL an he failed spectacularly.

    The point is, as a fan of this company it is a much more engaging and enjoyable to be positive and let stories play out instead of declaring something a failure from the get go. You can always call something a failure after it happens.

  6. I’ll echo everyone else on this; ditch the shoulder pieces. In fact, he should get a jacket that looks like what Mel Gibson was wearing in Road Warrior. Beat up and dirty.

  7. Until he actually does something of note, I can’t take him serious as the leader of BC. I am sure people will disagree and downvote but I do like Finlay and I hope to see him succeed.

  8. Na, it’s the type of look by someone trying too hard. Jay got respect and fear because he didn’t need to peacock.

  9. I dunno, most of the problem I have with him has nothing really to do with the look but with his position. Maybe he will grow in to the role of BC leader, I hope he does because he is a fairly talented wrestler.

    However he is about as firmly established as a midcard guy as you can get. That isn’t going to change simply because gedo wants it too. Hes still just a mid card act pretending to be a main eventer in my eyes. You can dress him up as much as you like, it wont make him main event material.

    I’m willing to give it some time before judging this too harshly but he has a long way to go.

  10. He looks less like “The Guy” and more like “a guy trying to look like The Guy.” If that makes sense.

  11. You couldn’t find a picture where he doesn’t have one thick lock of slimy hair plastered across his forehead like he’s trying to do a combover to hide his receding hairline?

  12. It’s not his look
    It’s the fact he like one of the least interesting guys trying to lead a faction like they could’ve got any better American based dude to lead the group but they went with David Finley it’s just odd

  13. He still looks like a Costco Roman Reigns to me. I can’t take him seriously as the leader of Bullet Club.

  14. He looks like Evil’s understudy and that just makes it harder to take him seriously.

  15. I think it dawned on me what is turning me off with Finlay’s look. Dying his hair and beard black reminds me when they gave the parallel universe evil star trek characters beards.

  16. Dude looks like Michael Flatley on acid. The OGs are laughing their asses off at this.

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