The desolving of Suzuki-Gun, or The Birth of the New Era!

When Suzuki-Gun announced it would be ending last year I was really quite broken up. I had really liked the individuals together as a unit, and dreaded who might just disappear. However!!! This year, has birthed three amazing stables with the talents of Gun moved on. Which have really shaken up the scene, and make the older units (aside from UE) feel pretty stale now. I am really looking forward to this new era for New Japan.

  1. i feel really similar! i absolutely adored suzuki-gun, they were my favourite thing in wrestling over the last few years and i felt so sad about them breaking up i was kind of worried my interest in new japan and wrestling as a whole would drop without them. but a few months on i’ve really come around on it being the right thing and the right time for it to happen. it’s crazy just how much has changed from that one decision! it definitely feels like a fresh and exciting time right now.

    i’m also just glad they’re all doing pretty well for themselves in their new roles. i was particularly worried my boy taichi might be on his way out of the company after it and now suddenly it looks like he’s going to be tagging with sanada which is just kind of a fever dream in the best way.

  2. I’m hoping that Archer beats Juice Robinson in the US Title contender tournament because if he does he’ll be at Dominion and we;ll finally see where he lands in this big reshuffle. My personal guess is that he’ll join up with Strong Style to reunite with Suzuki.

  3. I’ve been a bit detached from NJPW since the end of last year, but I’m interested to hear what everyone’s take is on Desperado and how his role in Strong Style is working out. Does it feel like he’s been elevated? It still feels weird for him not be with Taichi and Kanemaru.

  4. SG breaking up is like when GBH and RISE broke up. They formed Chaos and other groups as a result. It’s one of the cozy things I like about their use of stables over the years.

  5. I’m really enjoying TMDK & Just 5 Guys, but Strong Style hasn’t done anything for me so far

  6. I see this as a chance for Suzuki to finally get his well deserved iwgp title reign.

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